Fall Things: a Leaky20 life update

in Proof of Brainlast year

It's officially fall. The leaves have changed color and fallen from the trees, the weather has turned to much colder temperatures and clocks have been turned back for daylight savings time.


Here is a minor update of what's been going on in the life of leaky20. Don't get too excited, I no longer live a particularly exciting lifestyle, as you will see. Nonetheless, enjoy!


Let's start with the trees in my yard. They looked really nice once they started to change colors. These photos were taken from my balcony.


But then they started to fall and every few days I would have to rake the lawn and put them into bags to be taken away by the garbage/compost trucks. It was an ongoing battle of sorts that lasted several weeks. I think its finally over now.


The feathered and furry critters in our yard have been working hard gathering food for winter.


This little chipmunk visits my wifes office window periodically to eat the evergreen bush out front. Or maybe he is making a bed out of the needles for his den?


Anyway, he is pretty cute as long as he stays outside the house. He also eats a lot of seed from our bird feeder.


The Bluejays are doing the same work on the feeder.


The Anti-squirrel bird feeders don't do shit against squirrels. They are too smart for them and figure them out right quick.


Bluejays are pretty heavy for a bird so they tend to close the doors on the seed holes, so that's unfortunate. They are one of my favorite birds to see. I love their colors.


Speaking of heavy birds, I've been seeing a lot of wild turkeys roaming around lately. Usually they wander away before I'm able to get a photo of them but this group of (probably males) were moving slowly across the road. Notice their beards. Mostly only male turkeys grow a beard though around 10% of females do as well. They are believed to be an indicator of health and dominance. These ones are particularly long and full so these turkeys are probably all mature and in good health.


You can kind of make out their spurs in the photos as well - the spikes on the back of their feet/legs. These are over an inch long, another indicator that these are older turkeys.


I'm not a hunter or an expert on the birds by any means but I'm guessing that they are probably at least 2 years old or more.


The dog dressed up for Halloween and hated every minute of it. We only kept him in the hotdog suit for about an hour or so. He wouldn't keep his head still enough for a photo. Stop moving your head already!


That's all I have to say for that.


We discovered an apple orchard in our area this year.


We have been buying apples and apple cider and pies and scones.


The apples are so much better than those from the grocery store and cider is such a seasonal drink that we had to buy some.


The pies have been quite good as well.


My wife chose a cherry pie one time and I chose a pumpkin pie another.


You can't have pie without either whipped cream or ice cream.


I moved to a different hospital for work a little while back so now I have a much different view of the city.


I managed to catch the sun rise briefly one morning. I only had time to watch it for a minute or so but it was still a nice thing to see to start the day.

And with that I have shared all that's new. I've got nothing else. I hope that you enjoyed this life update.


Until next time, thanks for stopping by.


That dog suit. Bloody awesome!! I enjoyed the life update. It can't always be fireworks and adventure!!

Yeah the suit was pretty funny. My mom bought it for him lol. It's true it can't all be exciting. We had a good run while we were living in France so I can't complain.

That's a hot dog!😂
I just realised that I've never seen a chipmunk before. I had google to see the difference between them and squirrels. I do notice the distinct stripes.
I just came back from the woods, and the squirrels were out in their numbers. All week I've been looking for some to take photos with my camera, and not even one was in sight.

Lovely autumn colours there!
Happy Sunday:)

The chipmunks stay on the ground and burrow in the ground whereas squirrels go up in trees. Chipmunks are a lot smaller too. Quite a bit smaller than a Red Squirrel. Tiny in comparison to a black or grey.

What kind of squirrels do you have in the UK? I'm guessing red...

Geez! I didn't realise there were so many different kinds of squirrels. I have seen red and grey ones. Yesterday, they were all grey. My cat loves to watch them from the window 😆

The only similar (ish) thing we have in Jamaica is the mongoose.

Grey and black are the most similar. Only the color seems to be different. Red and grey/black are quite different and then chipmunks are much different again. Mongoose are in the Weasel family I think

Mongoose are in the Weasel family

Yeah, that sounds right, along with Badgers, Otter and Mink... all of these things I'm not familiar with. I remember my husband pointed out an otter (I think), once on the canals. It was swimming fast like crazy. It looked like a massive rat to me 😅

I did not realize that otters were in that family as well but I guess it makes sense. Interesting. Evolution at work

You wrapped up everything nicelyin a single post. from gardening to birds to food. and all of them were mindboggling. while the food were tempting, i never seen anyting like the bird feeder....and like you turkey around your home....we have wild foxes roaming now and then....while instead of squirrels we have many mouses ... :)

We have some foxes and coyotes but I haven't ever seen any. other people tell me they have seen them. We have mice as well but there are a few cats in the neighborhood and our own that are keeping their numbers down. We have lots of squirrels though of different varieties - black, grey, red and ground (chipmunks).

Hot Dog!!! lol, love it, and I love the city view, oh and the cherry pie yum yum

Haha yeah the costume was pretty funny. 😂
The dog didn't think so though.

Ha, i guessed that from the look of disdain on his face

Yes exactly 💯 😂


Hello! What a nice update. It was fun to see the animals around your place and those trees wow. And what a find in that local orchard. I haven't been traveling as much lately either, maybe I should do an update too.

Yeah we haven't done much traveling either. Luckily I still have some back up to post about periodically.
You should totally do an update. A life update now and then is always welcome.

The leaves have officially fall. I think the weather condition also affected them massively

Yes for sure, the weather definitely affects the leaves and tress.

That cute looking chipmunk must have love food, because he is either eating birds feeds or green bush. No wonder he looks fat even in photo😂

Yeah he was a cute little critter. 🤩
He has really been stocking up on food in preparation of winter. They hibernate through the winter so they create nests and stockpile food and hide it around in different places.

The dog that dressed up for Halloween made me laugh
Anyway, the pictures are cool
Happy fall season.

Yeah, it was a pretty funny costume for a dog. 😂

This was a fun read, haha... and this

he is pretty cute as long as he stays outside the house.

Got me smiling, haha. The food looks palatable, and I won't mind if my screen can bring them out to taste.

The chipmunk is fun to watch when he comes to visit.

Food was quite delicious 😋

Hehe, he surely is as long as he stays out!

Now, I am getting more hungry for some. Hehe