What happens when Leaky takes a bunch of random photos and doesn't know what to do with them? Well he does a life update post of course! Let's see what I've been doing these past few weeks and months.
Summer is wrapping up and we are slowly moving into fall, so buckle up and prepare yourself for some riveting information.
After reading "The Wager" by David Grann I got on a survival story kick and decided to read "Endurance," the book featured above. The book wasn't written quite as well as The Wager and wasn't quite as enthralling, but it was nonetheless a remarkable story of what human beings are capable of when placed in situations that truly test their capabilities.
This wouldn't be my top recommended book for the genre, I would reserve that spot for "The Wager" and possibly "Into Thin Air" by Jon Krakauer, but nonetheless I would say that this was a decent read if you like these sorts of stories. My next book to read will be "Recursion" by Blake Crouch. It's one that my wife recommended.
Okay, what else? I ate oat meal on at least two occasions...
Okay that's a pathetic update that no one cares about, but look how good it looks! Don't lie, it was worth the photo.
I was working out while living at my in laws during the home renovations and a few months ago now I somehow pulled something in arm and shoulder. It happened one night while I was sleeping. It hurt like hell but the pain eventually passed and I continued to work out afterwardd for a few months more. I dont know if it was a muscle or tendon/ligament (assuming muscle) but the injury progressively got worse amd worse until it eventually hit the point where I couldn't lift my arm in certain directions or raise it above my head. It even hurt to push open my car door. I've since stopped working out, stopped lifting with it and have been babying it for about 4 weeks now. It's slowly recovering and now just feeling like a dull twang under certain movements. It still needs more time to fully recover though. I've since lost all of my exercise gains but that's okay, I just hope that it heals eventually and that I don't need surgery to fix it.
Okay moving on to a piece of cake that I ate... That is all...
My wife made a Scandinavian blueberry pancake one weekend.
I forget what specific country it's from and what it's called but I can tell you that it was delicious.

I saw a rabbit in the backyard. It was just chillin, scratching, enjoying life. Actually they are all over the neighborhood and I see them all the time. I used to like rabbits, until my cat got a bot fly one year from them. My backyard was full of ticks last year as well, which was really annoying because the dog would pick one up every single day. They must come from the rabbits and squirrels in the yard. But what can you do about it? This guy is actually pretty cute. He looks like a cartoon to me.
What else, what else?
We bought a table for our breakfast nook area. We went back and forth for a while on what we wanted. Originally we were looking for a vintage round teak table, but the size we needed was pretty hard to find. We ended up pivoting to a modern tulip table because they are still fit the mid century modern style, which we like. We were going to do a walnut wood top but we didn't want it to clash with our cabinets if it didn't match so we went with a marble top instead.
Similarly, we bought some stools from the same company for our counter space seating.
They are walnut with black faux leather.
It was hard to find something that we liked but these have a similar look as our vintage dining room chairs, so they seemed like a good fit.
The last thing is that we went to a wedding recently.
We got there a little early as you can see. Only like 10-15 minutes too early.
We went back outside and took a few photos on the property to kill time.
The chapel was located on the site of an old mill that has been converted to a restaurant and event center. It's a pretty location.
It was a nice service. I haven't been to a wedding in probably 6 years or so. They are still about the same as they ever were, not much has changed in that department.
That's the just of it for now. Nothing too exciting in the life of Leaky20. I have house projects that I'm working on of course but I'm sure I'll do a post about them once they are complete.
That rabbit looked far too healthy for a wild one. Lol. Manky tick ridden basturt that it was.
You should enjoy Recursion, I am sure I did as I read another one of his shortly after but I haven't read his new one yet
They are pretty fat and well kept around here. Lots of gardens to eat from. 😂
So far I'm liking the book. I'm not far in but the concept is interesting. My wife read some others by the author and liked them - Dark Matter I think or something like that. I'll give it a go if this one ends as good as it started.
They are weird but good. I'm glad you mentioned it because I've been meaning to get his latest Upgrade I think it is.
You will need to stay trapping the plump little feckers. Yum yum
I generally like weird so that's a good thing.
I like eating rabbit but I don't think I could bring myself to shooting or trapping one of these guys. I don't know why exactly because I could hunt one in the wild but not in my backyard😂
Too easy maybe? Or the potential for it to make an awful dying sound that all my neighbors would hear?
I getcha there. I dont think I would fancy an animal thrashing about spilling all that blood all over the yard due to a botched kill. Lol. Someone else's yard, no bother!
Yeah that could be a bit traumatizing for your kids.
I never knew Leaky could also take beautiful pictures like this
They are nice
Thanks! Glad you liked them 😁