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RE: 75/25 would it work?

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

50/50 is better. When 75 /25 , 75 for stakeholders and 25 for content creators will make content creators less motivated. The effect is that POB will only circle among whales. There will be no fair distribution. New members will find it hard to get upvoted because the curators will hold their vote only for the circle of friends and closed members. As you can see that the trending posts are almost from the same authors.

When new members are not motivated, they will leave the platform and sell their few amounts of POB. This situation will make hyperinflation of POB in the market. Middle man of creators will also less motivated to post on POB. It will make POB an exclusive community. Once whales need to cash out POB on their holding, it will dump the price of the POB in the market. One thing that more content creators join is the reward system. When in a month, they get only few cents, they will leave this platform.

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75/25 will just incentivize circle jerking upvoting as well as the upvoting of proxy accounts. It's human nature to pursue the most profitable route. Seems like people have learned nothing from Steem's early days. Sigh...

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Yeah, 75/25 is like donation model, why someone would buy POB when hive has 50/50 split?

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Agree, 50/50 is a fair share. Leofinance has proved the model that attracts more authors and investors. Besides that, 1 month of powering down is another side that attracts more investors.

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And Not only Hive. How about LEO?
Do you think I would have sell about ~5000 LEO ( where it is 50/50) and put all the received funds in buying POB ( which did last few weeks) with only 75/25 ???
This could be the most STUPID think I could do in my entire life

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Are they able to change it without proposal?

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Yes, 75 curators 25 authors will make authors less motivated, 75 authors and 25 curators will make investors run away.

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I'm glad to se more and more people understand this

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I thought they meant 25% for the whale?

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