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RE: Active key issue with staking POB and Hive - solved in replies to this post

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

The current website is trying to send a request to the Hive Keychain browser extension for account @samsmith1971 using the active key, which has not been added to the wallet.

By "wallet", it means your Hive Keychain Extension. This wallet lives on your computer. This is not to be confused with on the web. So when you loaded your account into the Hive Keychain you used your posting key. Remove your account from Hive Keychain and add it back in again but this time with your master password. The keychain will figure out your active key, and posting key from the password.

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hi there :-) thank you so much for replying. Do you mean that I must remove the Hive chrome extension from my laptop and then add it back using master password? I am really green when it comes to this so if you are able to explain what I need to do in slightly smaller steps it would be so much appreciated. If I go to my Hive keychain extension on my laptop I have an option to remove it. Is that what you are advising me to do? Will it lose my earned Hive and POB if I do this? or how do I go about removing my account from Hive keychain?

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When you sign up, the master password is used to determine the private keys and public keys. So you can derive all of this from your master password. Leave me with my master password stored on removable media. Then you can install another O/S on my computer. I could still recover and login to Hive so long as I keep that master password.

I had a similar problem and I couldn't remove my account from Hive Keychain so I removed Hive Keychain and installed it again. Then I could add my account again.

I also have the same issue stated above. But the truth i dont know how to go about it. Boss kindly help us to do write up on this to help people out. I mean people who do not understamd what to do or people eho are new in the community.

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Thank you @Leprechaun for taking the time to help me. I shall try your advice this evening. And thank you for your upvote too, it didn't go unnoticed and is really appreciated :-)

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thx mate i searched on web and find your solution, thx again