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RE: A Study Showing That The Most Educated Are The Most Sure They Don't Want COVID19 Shots Becomes A Study In Dodgy 'Fact Checking'.

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

This also means that nearly three quarters of PhD are not in the vaccine hesitant group. Those with B.Sc. almost 90%! There has been lately extortion of not letting people go to University if they don't get the jab. Whereas if you have a B.Sc. your degree is good for getting the next degree level but it probably wont land you the good paying job. So I can see why this is a big incentive for some. Those with M.S or PhD may have more power in negotiation things and plus they are older and appreciate they aren't immortal.


Yes, absolutely, conditions of university attendance are likely to be a significant part of the issue here.