heh, i suppose it was intentionally misleading. sorry if it was boring, but it was the process i followed when researching the word, because i'm a nerd and words are fascinating.
the candy is ridiculous but the story about the name was too good to pass up.
thanks for reading.
Oh, you are a nerd?
You don't need to tell, I can see it for myself
Yes, I agree
My pleasure
Nerds and geeks are the coolest. The coolest! Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. Hell, being one feeds my family. I'll admit that I came into the article thinking one thing and then left thinking another. Not many people used outrageous on a positive note. I still wouldn't have tied it to an author like Shakespeare.
i'm definitely not upset i'm a nerd. it's all i've ever known, heh.
i couldn't shake the positive angle on the word, even when i understood the context, part of me was that '90s kid thinking, "wow, outrageous!"