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RE: You cannot take away from the author that which does not belong to the author.

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Let's imagine you find something you believe should be removed.

You click the "flag" button and type your "reason" into the form.

The account you've decided to "flag" can then add their "response" to your case for "flagging".

Then, the randomized jury is given a chance to read BOTH cases and review the actual post.

Then they vote.

If a 60% majority agrees that the post should be removed, then it is removed.

If 41% of the jury agrees that the post should stand, the post is unaffected.


Repeating what's already there, does not describe the flaw in design. I can already see where you're going with this, but can you find one thing wrong with how it's to be implemented? I gave you a good example to draw conclusions from.

I added a form.

Your "publicity stunt" will be more difficult to get away with if you are unable to articulate your case to the jury.

What happens if one individual triggers this system to commence proceedings 1000 times within 10 seconds?

Since each jury is randomized, mostly different people will be selected for each "flag".

We could raise the bar for flaggers and jurors so only those in the top 90% of stake-holders could "flag" and act as jurors (if you're worried about weenies).

And perhaps there could also be some reputation system that throttles an account's ability to "flag" if they report three or more "false flags" in a row.

Your scathing critique is appreciated.

What happens if 1000 people trigger this system to commence proceedings while not acting nefariously, within 10 seconds?

The same thing that happens if 1000 people post a comment or transact to HIVE or upvote or downvote within 10 seconds.

Please just say what you mean.

You're creating a nuisance. You're creating something that will annoy people. Constantly. You're not thinking of them, while designing something that suits your needs. Every few minutes. Nonstop. Some stupid message to go do "jury duty" being spread all over the entire community, nonstop, everywhere. When designing something you must scale it both up and down. In essence you've designed a spam bot. In no time, due to people acting nefariously and not, this prompt to go do jury duty becomes the most ignored option the place has to offer. What makes you think people would want to go browse posts that have been flagged, all day, just to see if there's something wrong with it? Maybe they'll do it once or twice until they realize how lame it is. People browse content naturally all day, all over the internet, looking for things they like. Some noob shows up, doesn't know a damn thing, gets a message, then must go observe obscene images they would never think of looking at on their own, and decide if it's good or not. Are you kidding me?

Now lets just look at this, using the case above, where that individual known as Lucylin is being downvoted. Now suddenly 1000 people actually have to go look at his content. Nice try, guys.

There are better ways to get attention.