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RE: You cannot take away from the author that which does not belong to the author.

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Waytruthlight and bloom quit posting over two years ago because they were getting unfairly downvoted. Now they just downvote other people out of spite.

This is an awesome model.

Downvote people so they stop posting and just stay mad for two years downvoting random accounts so they get mad and stop posting and just stay mad for two years downvoting random accounts so they get mad and stop posting...

I've seen a few good people simply leave this place because they were unfairly downvoted.

They don't get noticed as much as @lucylin because when they realize that the downvoters will NOT give them a fair hearing, they just leave.

And then they tell everyone that will listen to steer clear of HIVE.



I'll be using the hive blockchain for my own 'hive marketing' campaign!

lllp - Copy - Copy (2).jpg

And here's just another fine example of how this Lucylin character bullies an entire community made up of several people from all walks of life.

You have officially revoked your victim card, Lucylin.

You see free expression as bullying? (as opposed to actions).

If you see 'a victim' as being 'the perpetrator'?...
If that's the case, then you really need help - Stockholm syndrome ? ( or something deeper, I dunno).
Are you drunk?

You have officially revoked your intelligence card.

You're a bully. And anytime someone calls out your antisocial behavior, you attempt to justify it, by calling them stupid.

lol - please point out this bullying ....please do...



Facts are a fucker, aren't they ?

....but I'm the bully, yes?..lmao..

Are you one of the woke mob then ? ... where words hurt feels?

....for chrissakes, don't look at my post that will be titled The trial of @nointelligencelefttouse - I wouldn't want to hurt your feeling with facts - and please, please, remember - reading a post is an 'opt in' exercise - no one can bully you into reading any posts you don't want to...

Wow. You're one bully who does NOT like being called a bully. Maybe you should opt out.

So no actual retort to the facts?

Btw, iff you ever need to use the word 'should', you've already lost the argument..
(But you keep digging that hole of what is commonly called 'projection'- it's on the blockchain!)

pro tip: gas lighting rarely works if the recipient is aware of the procedure being carried out.

"No one reads the articles since anyone just wants to get upvotes..."

I worked so fucking hard. People read my work.

"No real content creator would ever use this platform..."

Am I fake?

And you fucking people wonder why I point out something like:

Would you agree a lot of sensationalism, misrepresentation of character, misinformation, disinformation, libel, and even harassment comes up far too often in these cases where someone got downvoted and disagreed? I would say that's a problem.

That one who responded got duped. They were most likely slightly inconvenienced and couldn't navigate their way out of it, so they throw everyone under the bus. And that's so common in these cases with those types. How the fuck can't people see through this shit? Do you really believe everything you read on the internet? It sure fucking seems that way. You get people like that in the workplace, nobody fucking likes them and they always get fired. What makes them think they can just be like that, and assume nobody is going to notice the bullshit parts? I see people talking shit all the time all while expecting others to bend over backward for them. Fuck this shit. You guys are so fucking fake. Why would you show me that image and think I can't see right through it?! I been here five fucking years. I've witnessed the same type of people get into the same type or problems nonstop and it's because they fucking suck at life. The rest are fine.

Yes there are a few problems here but holy fucking shit you'll never solve them with bullshit! Focus on the 1% bad and ignore the 99% good. That's how you guys roll. Get a fucking grip already. Holy shit. In my entire life I've never seen so many monkeys climb aboard a football and start fucking it.

What a joke.


Yup you got found out. It's a group that can't negotiate obstacles so they require a change in code in order to be controlled better. That's you guys.


....throwing communist-esque enterprises posing as legitimate business models, 'under the bus' is never a bad idea.

Me (and many others), are symptoms, not the cause - of a poor system - but feel free to blame the symptom, it was one of stalins favorite tactics as well...

You're just reading from a script. After reading your words here and though I don't subscribe to that zany american political scene but can still observe, you're no different than those folks calling Trump a racist at this point. Same tactics. Only a fool would bite that bait. "Stalin" lol. That's cute.

You're just reading from a script

Is that projection? lack of historical knowledge is not my responsibility (in context of this comment), but it is your chance to learn of the philosophical difference between 'cause' and 'symptom'.

...if you do not comprehend the difference between what I'm saying, and what some retarded leftists/racists say, I can't help you. (or rather , I can't be arsed helping you)... good luck.

You're the only one who doesn't notice how you can't even have a conversation with people without sounding like an NPC. You repeat the same shit nonstop, as if you're reading from a script.

You mistake general lack of interest in anything you say or do for an inability to understand. That's how far gone you are.

How do you even breathe with your head shoved so far up your ass?

Figure your shit out already dude. It has been months. You've wasted your life. Go find some credibility.

Only 18 years to go then !