The Next Big Thing

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

For a big part of the world, the next big thing is crypto.

For some people, it is the tech that attracts them into the crypto space.

For others, it's the opportunity to make money.

People have different reasons to enter into the crypto space. It could be to diversify their investments, or to bet against the government issued currencies, or the simple reason of finding more opportunities to make money.

Even in crypto, there are dozens of next big things → defi, nfts, play to earn games etc.

For those who are looking for opportunities, crypto offers enough of them.

However, it is easy to get lost in the opportunities and not take advantage of any of them. You may analyze them so much that you get confused which ones are important for you, and which ones are not worth your time.

Recently, I took a break from a lot of things I was doing. I do this every now and then to think whether I am going in the right direction and at the right pace or just drifting away with time.

It's better to stop and analyze your situation than to spend months or maybe years in doing things and realize later that you are not interested in any of them. It saves you a lot of time and energy by thinking about what you are doing.

By taking a small break I realized that I was lost in the next big thing for me — The play to earn games.

There is no perfect opportunity. You make opportunities perfect by working on them for years.

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Last year, I read a book "Atomic Habits" by James Clear. He shared an interesting experiment in that book.

In the university of Florida, two groups were divided in the photography class.

One group had to submit just one photo. But it had to be perfect, in quality, lightening, and in composition.

The other group had to produce volumes of photos. They would be graded based on the number of photos they would produce.

At the end of semester, the group that was tasked to produce one perfect photo during the semester produced mediocre results while the group that was tasked to produce volumes produced the best photos.

It's easy to be lost in life to figure out what's the perfect career for you, the perfect job opportunity, the perfect business plan, the perfect investment.

Or you can try to experiment with a couple of things and see what works for you.

One of my friend got a job in the top tech company. When I met him, he tried to convince me that I should learn to code. Coding is the future.

While I am interested in learning to code, I like to work on my own pace. Some weeks, I am consistent. And then I stop and get busy in other stuff.

Similarly, another friend is pushing me to work on a local business opportunity.

Any of these opportunities could be good for me but not all of them. If I start working on all of them, none of them would work because my focus is divided so much.

After trying several things in the last 5 years, I realized that no opportunity or career is perfect. But you make them perfect by working on them for years, by being patient and progressive.

Hive is a great opportunity. But you have to be patient and progressive to get the most out of it. It doesn't help if you spam 10 articles a day.

It's better to produce something useful and interesting.

Find and do work that gives you more satisfaction.

Writing makes me more satisfied than anything else that offers the opportunity to make money online. Even if I am not a good writer, even if I don't earn much from writing I feel happy whenever I write and publish an article. It's the feeling of accomplishment.

One of the way to be more satisfied with your work is to give up goals that you don't need.

As Simon Sinek said — "Working hard for something we don't care about is called stress. Working hard for something we love is called passion."

When I work on things that excites me, I can work for 8-10 hours without getting stressed.

I remember when I figured out my first opportunity to make money online, I was sitting in front of the laptop for hours. And even after that I was not tired but boosted up to do even more work. To find out more interesting stuff. I was just awe-struck with what's possible online.

When I was doing a job, the next big thing for me was a local business.
When I was running a couple of local businesses, the next big thing for me was running an online business.

Now, I am working on my skills to build up an online business, and I often fell into the trap of the next big thing in crypto without making the most out of the last opportunity I was working on.
The chase never ends.

So, it's better to stay at what I am doing now, even if it means losing some new opportunities.

As I said, there are no perfect opportunities, we build perfect opportunities by working on things for years.

As Albert Einstein said, "It's not that I am so smart, it's just that I stay with the problems longer."

A side note to self:

Picking up new problems does not make you smarter. Staying with a problem, and solving it, so you can move on to next makes you smarter. Otherwise, the old problems will pile up and create more problems for you.

Jumping on a new opportunity everytime you see something shiny, doesn't give you a better hand in life. Staying with the old opportunities and making the most out of them, will increase your chances of success and accomplishment.