Let's Briefly See 3 EXTERNALIST THEORIES Of Myth



Modern scholars try to define and elaborate on the purpose and significance of myth. Hence, they advance many theories just to achieve their aims. These theories can be divided into two broad categories, which are:


Here however, we will be concerned with EXTERNALIST THEORIES.


The externalist theories consider myth as a product of environment. Here, myth is viewed as a pre-scientific attempt to explain natural phenomenal or to offer justification for social, religion or political customs or institutions.

It should be noted that these theories generally view myth as a semi-rational response to the physical or social environment. Here are three (3) externalist theories of myth:


This theory believes that myth is essentially a reaction to the awe-inspiring power of physical nature, particularly those phenomena that directly affects human life: the continuing cycle of day and night, sunshine and darkness, summer and winter, heat and cold.

It should be added that this theory consider some myths as the personification of meteorological forces.


This theory basically associates myth exclusively with ritual – a religious or semi-religious ceremony in which a prescribed series of actions, accompanied by the repetition of traditional phrases, are scrupulously observed.

Here, myths are considered as the byproducts of such ritual enactments on those performed at celebrations. That is, they are stories that are invented to explain ceremonies whose real origins have long been forgotten.


This is a theory that was developed by a Polish anthropologist Bronislaw from direct observations of preliterate people in the active process of making myth serve practical or social purposes.

According to this theory, myths are used to validate existing communal institutional beliefs and practices.

In conclusion, as seen already, unlike PSYCHOLOGICAL THEORIES where myth is considered as a product of the mind, these EXTERNALIST THEORIES view myth as a product of environment.


I agree with the theory to a large extent.

Myths are mostly from the environment. There are myths that are only limited to a specific environment.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

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