My introduction in the first post.

in Proof of Brain4 years ago


Let the mind feel very good this time: I have found a site after a long time, where I can express the thoughts of my mind by mixing the sweetness of my own mind. The Bengali team needed one, I saw the name of this community in someone's post.

It is not easy to get out of here when I come here to understand everything. I will get to know the blogging world better, know it, cause it and do something good from here. Now I will beat the drum a little about myself, if you like it, everyone will support it and if you don't like it, don't support it. But I know the chances of not getting support seem high. Because I can't please you with words.

You can see my username, bdtris. Full name is Moniruzzaman. I live in Bhola upazila of Bangladesh. We know I don't know the age of the girls, but I'm talking here. Slowly I have finished twenty-nine rains and springs. I am still single, I can't find anyone like my mind, so I must have a crush on Facebook.

I have studied a little bit because I know there is no alternative to education if you want to do well. I have no work, I have a bachelor's degree and then I have worked in several places. For the time being, I find a cabin like my own in a friend's start-up and sit there all day. Although I'm not getting out of the house or daring to go out because of Kovid's affair, I'm working from home. And all day my parents are abusing everyone, of course I do abusive things every day. This is the end of the subject and the story.

I really like this site and its white paper, I think I can do something in the future. So in my mind I have decided that I will come every day, I don't know what to do but I will write something on my own. I will try to write something among you about what happened around me or in the world. Sometimes to draw pictures. Stay tuned today. Talk to you soon and keep up the good content.

However, I want to finish writing, but before I finish, if I don't thank the community admin for making such a beautiful Bengali community, then there will be no point in writing. All the best, stay happy, it is better to carry out as much work as possible from home without going out of the house in cowardly situation.

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Welcome to Hive.

You are highly welcome to this wounderful community were we interact and share ideas thatvwill take us to a greater heights .i encourage you to always engage and most importantly be consistent.

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Welcome to hive my friend

I am sure with time and consistency by your side you would surely have a nice time here

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Welcome to Hive. I hope you do well here. I would recommend paying closer attention to the tags you use. For instance, you miss-spelled the #introduceyourself tag. I recommend you edit it as dozens of people looking for new writers always seek out introductory posts.

Also, the #pob-wotw tag is for the Word of the Week contests. If you're post is not related to the contest, I can't curate it.

Finally, you should read through the following articles as you're new. It will help improve your experiences here.

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