One persons bitcher, and complainer, is another persons truth teller.
...Just as one persons humor, is another person's excuse to white knight for a person that's just emotionally manipulated them...
...just as one persons sarky comments is an offering to the gullible, for a chance for them to grow...
...just as one persons offering an opportunity, is another persons way to slam the door in the face of good fortune, and themselves...
I could go on like this
I guess if the platform didn't tolerate trolls, they would soon go after leprechauns. So, it's all good.
'Trolls' is a derogatory term, created online by weak individuals (lefties) , who do not like to be confronted with truths, logic, reality.
An alinsky-esque tactic to deflect away from (and belittle) non-aligning perspectives.
Have no fear , if you're dissenting, and a leprechaun - you are a troll. (in the eyes of the intellectually insecure, anyone that disagree's with them is 'a troll')
One should tend to make better decisions when you know the reality of the situation. So one should not look at a correction as a defeat. The problem comes from people taking their beliefs about what is true as part of their identity, rather than the identity being that of open mindedness. I say global warming is real, natural, and caused by forces much greater than humanity, and good for us as a species.
That's probably true.
Mind hack:
Make the pointed use to avoid forever , using the word 'should' in construction of sentences.
After six months, notice how your mindset has altered. (all in good ways).
THE most powerful psychological trick that I've ever done....simple, but quite amazing.
....See you on other side (if you dare to give it a go !.. .lol).
You're very, very, welcome.
Thank you. I should try that. I have found I have decided to change phrases like "you should...." into "I will..." and then do them and this way it doesn't sound like I'm bossing people. Obviously, I can convince myself easier than anyone else of things. Those who wish to take inspiration from it may.'s not about convincing anyone else, about anything - it's about re routing your own neural pathways..