that deep a dive funnily enough - but because of the questions that it raises, which will, hopefully, go on to make for some very deepdives indeed.I'm posting this in @deepdives, not because it's
directly connected, the wider reaching potential fall out of the issue, could very well have a serious 'knock on effect' on that part of the platform also.I'm also tagging @leofinance - as while this isn't
....And maybe this is an example of why @proofofbrain is the next step forwards in the blog-o-sphere.
I wrote a post yesterday....
I was discussing - asking - for 'the big boys of hive' who were not petulant little children in grown up bodies - to step up. (as if they do not - it may well be to the severe detriment of the Hive ecosystem as a whole).
AAAAAaaaaaaaaand what happens?
A petulant man child with a large stake, goes and down votes my post(s)
(not just that post, but another one to - and around ANOTHER $20 in down votes).
Emotional immaturity/insecurity, expressing itself as petulance.
....A psychological pain that's unable to be reconciled , so must therefore rage at the what they see as causing the psychological pain - even though that pain is already residing firmly within their own psyche.
Apart from appearing to be a tyrannical manchild to the rest of the platform (seemingly incapable of mature action) , the child having the tantrum - who wants to be taken seriously more than anything else - becomes the object of ridicule.
A laughing stock.
(The child in the middle of the said tantrum doesn't see it ).
This was supposed to be humor, not an instruction manual..! ...lolol.
Man children have no place in such positions - of wielding such 'power', not without being actively opposed by the grown up's in the room with the same - or more - power.
The adults in the room really need to recognize this.
The outside world see's all of this going on as well, you know? (and will do even more so if this isn't addressed).
It makes travesty of the entire platform and the ethos that HIVE is supposed to promote..
It makes the account a laughing stock.
It makes Hive a laughing stock.
Is that what the whales really want?
(and congratulations to @theycallmedan btw, on your new addition to the family!... I'm well happy for ya, matey!).I can't imagine serious players like @blocktrades or @callmedan find this an appealing look for the platform, or remotely funny..
And what is 'the look?'
'Account @lucylin writes logical and informative posts, with some humorous skits thrown in , and also makes fun videos, to'...
....and then gets down voted to oblivion by a child in an adult body, for no other reason than because it hurts their feelings. (not a case of plagiarism, spam , etc..)
Here's the thing, my little buttercups.
I have nothing to lose. This is my choice, not necessity.
I'm semi retired, and have no interest in dopamine 'crypto addition', riches.. and have nothing but time on my hands.
'You' have lots to lose.
Only a total moron would make that kind of bet - if you're the one with lots to lose.
What 'thought processes' were involved, that could possibly come to the conclusion, thinking that this action is a good idea?
..... creating a scenario , that , through their childish behaviors , makes a veteran of the ecosystem take it off hive and out into the wider world?
....And if that wasn't bad enough on it's own - to do it with someone who's not only a a veteran on the platform , but tenacious in expressing their logic, passionate about transparency, loves the debate, and enjoys the intellectual conflict well as having a recognized ethical and moral code ?...
I fail to see any thought processes being engaged in potentially creating such a scenario.
The mind boggles, it really does...
My account is being attacked for no other reason than personal vindictiveness - or ideology.
Corrupt crony crapitalism in all it's glory - 'might is right '
The only way those that feel powerless can express themselves (to mitigate the feeling of their own impotence) is through the downvote ?!?!?
Seriously, it's laughable..(pitiful)..
Oh, and here's another thing....
I made a post over 8 months ago....
It was about how I was going to try and support myself through blogging, using Hive (it was an experiment).
I succeeded to some fair degree.
So, that being the case...
How does this look to the rest of the world, when a petulant manchild can literally take the food of another persons plate, simply because 'their feels' were hurt ?
These are the actions of the ugly face of crony crapitalism - oligarchical tyranny - at it's very worst...
Not good optics... for those concerned with 'building a community'.
'Come and speak you truth, but don't upset the snowflake tyrants - or you'll starve'
...I also a wrote a post a while back (after being attacked by the same account for no valid reason) which said words to the effect of:
'you leave me alone, and I'll leave you alone'...
Oh well...
...It was a post describing how gravity comes into play when you're having shit piled on top of you.
Due to the properties of said gravity, it forever tries to roll down hill...
And I have nowhere on Hive to pass that shit along.
(It's not my style anyway - I'm an adult).
I do, however, have plenty of places off hive where I can unload it, if need be.
I don't hold other peoples shit for them.
Not all publicity is good publicity.
And the facts are the facts.
And the blockchain is the blockchain.If I was a whale, I'd sort this shit out before @lucylin has to go to all the trouble of unburdening the shit for myself....
So what am I supposed to do?...
Let some petulant manchild keep fucking me up the arse?
Yeah.... that ain't ever gonna happen, buttercups.
(...Or maybe it's a case of some 'creative destruction' being needed at this point in the evolution of hive itself...?)
I appreciate all the support shown - and given - to me, after this last unwarranted attack.
It means a lot to me, my friends, it really does - but the answer doesn't lie in people having to do that because the DPOS oligarchical system is king.
One manchild 'in an emotional strop', can negate the positive upvotes of over 300 hundred supportive accounts!!
What kind of picture does this paint?
(and just for the record - 'stake is all' is a worn out one liner. It doesn't wash.)
For the platform to have any credibility going forwards - the said oligarch's - those who are the grown up's in the room - need to do something about it.
...(I would).
...And sharpish!
(...but what do I know ?..)
They are being incentivized to do what they are doing. When a system is thoroughly corrupted, trying to fix it might be a noble endeavor, but also ultimately futile, unless through some miracle your words somehow make it through years of programming to affect the ones with power, but even that assumes that the ones with power don't understand what they are doing. I am all for trying to reach an ideal even if it seems impossible, but as far as I can see, the only effective path forward is to show them how it's done. It's kinda like BTC and the legacy banking system.
Can you please start throwing an io on the end of that handle so it tags me?
I cannot disagree with your overall assessment.
What can I say?
I'm a borne optimist, and detest stupidity from those in 'authority' of any kind.
'Tis the cross I have to bear , it seems...bugger lol.
Can you please start throwing an io on the end of that handle so it tags me?
...yes boss. I never knew that I needed to...
I see you are making new friends and influencing again :-)
Unbelievable, ain't it?
...Down voted for logic, reasoning, and hours of research - (and also calling out the insanity), while sycophantic circle jerking, gets ya over $50 or $60, for an hours work of typing nothingness (that most kids of 15 yrs could manage quite well)
....I'd be fucking embarrassed...
It is the single worst part of this and steemit, downvotes with no dialogue. I prefer a conversation or even an argument. But hey ho that is just me.
'They' will not come and take me on in a discussion.
We both know why....
What a buck of spineless cucks.
You're great at sounding insulting but you really didn't point out in what way they were acting childish. You didn't link to examples of when you caused a big reaction. Also Ecency is the best front end for investigating how people voted I see here there is only one flag out of 149 votes by an account called "azircon."
Steemfiles will report how those you follow voted: It's always being developed. You can login with Hive Keychain it just is not advertised, yet.
...the massive down voting for no reason.(not spam or plagiarism, etc)
That is childish behavior.
When the downvotes were countered (with upvotes and direct hive payment as a show of support) ...the downvotes were then re applied to other posts...
...yeah, I've seen 5 years old act with more integrity..
I guess this started long before this article you referenced. There are those that don't flag articles per se. They flag people and sometimes by association. This is why Proof of Brain is better than Hive in terms of distribution. My concern though is how decentralized is "hive engine".
Yup - Small minds, small actions...
...And that's why I have positive hopes for POB...
It would be great if it could get listed independently from hive...
Yeah I like that attitude of having nothing to lose, thus nothing to fear but fear itself. I like that strategy, think it will work best for dealing with all my crypto interactions going forward.
It's a reality for anyone on hive being attacked for no reason.
If we are scared of tyrannical actions against us - just for speaking our truth - it's all over.
With social media and bad publicity as our allies - acting like a childish dick can be exposed. (which will not be good for the token price, I don't think - hence my call on people with big stakes to act like fucking adults - they have a lot to lose).
A downvote without any reason or motivation explained in a comment on the downvoted post , is childish behavior . It shows weakness , no matter what wealth you carry .
Be honest to yourself and others , show a spine , and put words to your action's .
Should Hive make it mandatory to always comment when placing a downvote ?
Maybe even make it impossible to downvote with delegated HP , or give the option to delegators to only delegate for upvotes ? I mean children need childish rules to make them grow up sometimes . ;-)
Or if the adult whales in the room take note - and tell them to straighten themselves out, or they'll be going to bed without any supper for a year
(the threat of serious down voting from whales would be a big deterrent to the sycophantic spineless).
It's not in their interests to have bad publicity, due to total idiocy.
(I'm 'intimate friends' shall we say - with some big journo's in the national rags/broadsheets, for example...)
Wealthy people build walls to protect what they have , with the risk of blocking there vision on the horizon . And it seems that wealth has the ability to dissolve the spine . To become a big rock , and not to roll , so they probably have no interest in parenting wealthy childish behavior . Even if it gives bad publicity to the whole . It might cost them some . ;-)
I like your idea. Instead of a flag button or slider meter what if steemfiles had a "Flag as" button and the user could choose one of several options that purportedly what flagging was for...
You cannot change the rules of the blockchain unless you're one of the "children" so good luck with that. That is unless perhaps its to do with another token like say POB instead of Hive.
We found that when striking a man with a ballpen hammer, his opinion quickly changed. How do you know you prophets and celebrity idols and idioms are not being issues at the will of a man on the receiving end of a violent threat?
!popcorn really is quite unbelievable...
it is actually quite believable for someone who has been around the block(chain)
never underestimate stupidity and masochistic tendencies working together.
Some people like ridicule...
I think you overestimate the ability of people to reflect on their actions and also the degree that people actually care about the platform.
Still, good luck in this war, mate.
You're always making new friends @lucylin... lol's the price you pay for not being a cuckholded, sycophantic sheep...
They hate it/me , because I'm stark reminder to themselves - about everything that they're not , but wish to be - and don't have the courage to ever pursue it).
Ain't that the truth. It sounds like an easy way for them to live, right up until it's not. Causality is sneaky at times, just lies in waiting until it's too late for some people to make the change.
Hey @lucylin, here is your HYPNO ;)
The more things change, the more they stay the same. I just wish people would talk it out instead of downvoting on disagreements.
Had a guy downvoting my sportstalk posts to 0 with no discussion on what offended him a couple of weeks ago. The only thing i could think of was i tagged the post as football instead of soccer.
check out the downvoting on: ...there's ya clue! lol
Kinda ironic really - a post about the lunatics taking over the asylum - aaannnnd then gets downvoted by some one running the them....?lol