in Proof of Brain4 years ago

So let's talk about food today,

There is this African soup I have been craving to eat for some time now, aside craving for these soup, there are other nutritional benefits attached to it which I know my body needs at this moment.

This African soup is delicious and it's common in some part of Nigeria.The name of this African soup is Egusi soup( Melon soup) mixed with some little pumpkin leaf ( Ugwu).

This soup is prepared with so many ingredients.

So, as I was saying earlier, I have been craving for this soup for a long time, so I took it upon myself to go extra mile to get ingredients for this soup.

I left work early today and headed to the market to get the ingredients.
Are u surprised ?😳 well, men go to the market too, kudos to my mum for that, she trained me well enough in that aspect 😁.,

Grounded melon seed
Pumpkin leaf (Ugwu)
Fish or meat
Pomo( Cow skin)
Assorted meats.
Locust beans
Maggi( Spices)
Palm oil
And of course water 😁

I will also like to share few of its nutritional benefits.

Benefits of Pumpkin leaf( Ugwu)

1.Good Source of Dietary Fibre. ...

2.Maintains the Body Tissues.

3.Rich in Antioxidants. ...

4.Balances the Hormones. ...

5.Serve as Anti-Diabetic Agent.

6.Improves Blood Production. ...

7.Improves the Bones and Teeth. ...

8.Treat Convulsion.

Benefits of melon
1.Help fights cancer

2.Melon contains anti-inflammatory properties that help treat infections and injury.

  1. . Contains anti-arthritic properties

  2. Aids digestion and boosts appetite etc.

Well, you can see it has great benefits.
This soup can be eaten with various kinds of food e.g Semo, Wheat, pounded yam, Eba, Apu, Fufu, Tuwo and of course Rice

Indeed, it's an African dish you'll love to taste.

Try it and you'll love it

I love food ❤😁

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This is great, a man that can cook has it to his own good, you don’t have to wait for a lady before you can eat a good food.

As for the African dish, I have tasted it before.

My mum cooks it while I was younger and I always enjoy eating it.

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Yeah man, no lies about that

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