After taking a really active start to the proofofbrain community you may have noticed I have taken a backseat of late, regular posting from me with new ideas has lead to a daily burn post I can write on "autopilot"
Two weeks ago I started a new job
I was really happy to have landed this job fighting of many other candidates, It is a delivery driver job - a job that pays only marginally above minimum wage. But it is also in this day and age a desirable job - I have a full contracted 40 hours a week, working 9.30am till 6pm. In a world of zero hours contracts and shift work I absolutely value the full time hours and the pleasant working times of the day. I think if your going to do something for most of your life you have to have a sense of happiness to feel any sort of contentment.
In this job I can say I really do - I am out driving on my own a lot and I love it. (its a nice new Mercedes sprinter van too with all the bells and whistles, plus cab aircon and that will be a great thing come the hot weather! )
But why get the job now?
I had been ticking over on self employment for a while, surviving at least..But I have come to really crave what deep down I think many people do - A place to call my own home.
Renting is what most people have to do, people get stuck in the "rent trap" and essentially spend their entire lives paying of someone else's mortgage. I think renting has some great benefits, like if you get the neighbors from hell you can actually move out, if the house needs maintenance the landlord does it (in theory) But what happens when you are too old to work, how do you pay your rent? I am not sure but I do think we are walking into a ticking time bomb with that one.
I want to be able to have a dog, I want to be able to choose the décor, I don't want to be able to be kicked out at a months notice.. To do these things I need my own house.
There is a problem
Quite a monumental problem - Here a basic starter home costs circa 250000 GBP - My take home salary is £16000, and I am 37 years old. But I also have a saving grace, My parents are letting me and my partner live in their home almost rent free for as long as we need - Maybe It can be done.
Many have given up on home ownership, and most do not have the luxury of almost rent free living. - But I am going to try my upmost to earn my own home. From time to Time I will be sharing how I am going about doing this with update posts, they may well be boring as hell but it will be a good way to chart exactly what I am doing if nothing else.
I hope you are all doing well, I am glad to see proof of brain still going great - And thought It was time for an update post - thanks to @calumam who made me consider this new direction for my posts.
Hey, so good to hear from you mate!
I totally get this feeling about having your own house and out of rent. I want to build things, change things, drill holes in the wall... hehehe
I'm rooting for you all the way, and I have the same plan as you: I'm 37 too, and I hope I can get my place in a couple years.
Let's keep growing together! You can count on me to follow you on this journey!
thanks man, appreciate it!:) yeah i think maybe its something that kicks in at around our ages!
You are the proof of brain MVP.
Well, having a space of your own is actually ideal. Living in a rented apartment can be all good at the start, just as long as you've got money to pay for it. But just as you said, you really can't pay rent forever, so being the boss of your own environment is the way out.
I don't think it will be boring, a home building process can never be boring lol, there's always something crazy and tangible to take home.
I'm rooting for you to get a place to call your own. I recently bought a cheap place outright and have no mortgage payments to make. It makes things a bit easier. When we get our finances in order through this cheap living, we can think about trading up... but mortgage free living might just keep us here too.
Thats fantastic mate well done! That would be such a nice position to be in, and like you say you can always trade up in the future should you wish, that place is yours and no one can take it away from you.
Realistically for us we will have to get a mortgage, but thats ok, I intend to put down a massive deposit, its the only way we can make it work since the banks only lend 4.5x salary right now.
I had a mortgage, but sold the equity I had in my house to buy the cheap spot. We traded down in one way and traded up in the savings department.
This is inspiring though....@madstacks
You are right
If you have hell neighbors, you can simply move out of a rented apartment, and your landlord gets to take care of the maintenance
But what happens when you grow older, you will surely need a place of your own. A place where you can decide the decor, the gardening, and probably keep an animal as you said
So I vouch for you on this one.
about the delivery job, I know how tasking it can be. and most times, you don't get to return home by 6pm because of the late deliveries that shows up especially during festive periods, and weekends.
I wish you luck in getting your won home, thank God your parents are letting you stay in their home for a while.
I agree with all the points you raise, My delivery job is different to mail though, its garden supplies - so much heavier, but also I do not have to deal with late delivery's as the office tries to only take on what i can do in one day, my truck looks like this and i do a few loads a day.
Oh I see
That is good of them to always give you what you can handle on a daily basis
Congrats mate for your new job ! i hope all your dreams come true ASAP. I wish the best for your life :)
Good luck. Having a normal hours day job is great. I do not miss working nights and weekends!
it was an unforgettable experience. because maybe for some people also have the same fate as you. and I'm sure all will have their respective homes and wealth
Wow, that's a lot. I do think it's achievable though. Especially if the PoB tribe takes off and you save enough money. It just takes some luck and patience. Good luck...