in Proof of Brain4 years ago

'ESCAPE FROM RC JAIL' over the Hive logo

You discover Hive Blog. You get Hive accounts. You write your first post (which should be the introduction post). You hit the {Publish} button (or whatever your front-end calls it). You posted!! You write a 2nd post. You hit {Publish} again-- and then you get error messages which translate to "Out of gas" because you just dropped your Resource Credits to virtually zero. It takes Resource Credits, RCs, 5 days to return to 100%, at a rate of 20% each day. You've just been sentenced to RC Jail for 5 days. You can watch paint dry as the RC meter pokes along at 0.013888889 RCs/minute. Or you can ESCAPE FROM RC JAIL.

(This is an updated vesrion of my original post in the Hive Beginners Tips community ( #hive-198524 ). Updates include more linking and more information about how to use Giftgiver.)

That was my experience for about a month before I made my escape from RC Jail recently. (Yes, there is a whitepaper. No, I didn't read it.) Thanks to some research, and the kind Hivers and Leo Lions and people at Proof of Brain, I was able to escape from RC Jail.

RC Jail isn't a worry for me anymore, but when I was finding myself back there my stays there were much shorter. 15 HP is a major performance upgrade over 0.001 HP or even 3 HP, but 15 HP isn't enough to keep you out of RC Jail, either. Not including delegated HP, I'm guessing that 30 HP will be what I need to stay out of RC Jail for good; I'm still working toward 30 HP, so it will be a while before I can confirm this hypothesis.

Some people start using Hive already having Hive Power. Maybe they are investors who turned some paper money or other crypto into HIVE. Maybe they knew enough to get delegated HP (to be discussed briefly later).

However, it's more likely that you started with 0.001 HP and the RCs which correspond to that amount. With that amount of HP, your activity will be both minimal and slow. That's enough to kill the Hive Blog experience if you don't rectify the situation. That's done by increasing HP, and increasing HP depends on engaging with fellow Hivers in a number of ways, and ultimately that's what you want in the long run.

To escape from RC Jail requires more drastic-- if only temporary-- measures.

About Low RCs

RCs will always be needed, but they don't need to be a big deal. When Hive Power is at a decent level (say, 3 HP), the use of RC doesn't feel bad. When HP is low-- as it would be for a new Hiver-- your RCs can get wiped out with just 2 posts (and sometimes not even the 2nd).

Based on my experience as a new Hiver, 1 post consumes roughly 20% of the RCs each of us is alloted. I use the word "roughly" because some situations can require far more than that 20%.

Heck, I'm still trying to figure out how my blog post on how to make your own rugged cloth mask consumed 80% of my RCs. I have a few ideas, but I'm afraid to test them even now.

The way to get out of RC Jail is to acquire more HP. Giftgiver Faucet will help you make your escape from RC Jail.

Getting Drips from the Giftgiver Faucet

Using the Giftgiver Faucet lets you claim 0.003 HIVE and 0.002 HP each time you visit the faucet. It's an hour between visits, but you can visit Giftgiver Faucet as many times as you want.

0.002 HP doesn't sound like much on its own, but it beats the 0.00 you have when you're in RC Jail. Over time, each 0.002 HP adds up, and that's what will help you stay out of RC Jail for longer periods until it becomes a distant memory.

Geting Delegated HP from Giftgiver

If you need a more satisfying taste of freedom from RC Jail, then you can receive Delegated HP from Giftgiver. You'll be delegated approximately 15 HP to use over 7 days. The 15 HP is a variable amount dependent on market conditions; it can be higher or lower. What matters is that with that delegated HP you'll be able to post like there's no tomorrow (or at least make much more than 2 posts).

After 7 days the delegated HP is gone. After you catch up on your backlog of posts to your communities of your blogs, that may not be an issue. If you think you need another delegation of HP, just go back to Giftgiver.

If you think you need more than 7 days, do not apply for 7 more days immediately! The performance boost you get from having more HP dosn't take place if you re-up too quickly. 3 days must pass before you can get a 7-day delegation with the same performance boost you saw initially. I learned this the hard way. Try a 3-day Renewal of the delegation instead.

If you've been more active during the time you've been using Giftgiver's delegated HP, you will notice a bump in your Hive earnings (not to mention whatever Layer 2 tokens you want for your chosen tribes). That first delegation of HP from Giftgiver may also be the last (which would be ideal).

For escape from RC Jail purposes, only acquire delegated HP from Giftgiver when you know you'll be active and engaging fellow Hivers by posting, commenting, replying, and upvoting. Don't be greedy!

More engagement means more opportunities to earn HP. More HP means more options are available to contribute to Hive and to earn from Hive. After a while, stays in RC Jail become shorter. Eventually, RC Jail will be a thing of the past.

That's been my experience. I hope this information helps!

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Day - July 1st 2021 - Hive Power Delegation

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

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, and it's paid for by the earnings on, swing by our daily chat any time you want.

I don't know what's with the "3-day waiting period" after your 16 Hive Power delegation from #GiftGiver expires before you should request another delegation.

For me, as soon as the HP delegation expires, I can request again immediately, allowing me to post up to 15 comments immediately.


When I received my first delegation from Giftgiver, my performance was like going from 0 to 100 in 2 seconds. When the delegation expired, I went for another one immediately. Several times.

Unfortunately, the performance was more like it had been before. This puzzzled me, especially after my experience with the first delegation. The Giftgiver web site notes the 3-day period between delegations. I still hadn't confirmed it, but at this point it may not be necessary.

Thanks again for the engagement tokens.

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You Are Alive and have been rewarded with 0.1 ALIVE tokens from the We Are Alive Tribe
, and it's paid for by the earnings on, swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

Maybe the 3-day period note on #GiftGiver is more of a guide than a rule. There is nothing on Hive saying that the Hive blockchain discourages delegations just after undelegations took place.

I don't know how many !ALIVE and !ENGAGE tokens I could still share, because there is no count of how many I could share for a day and how many I have already shared for the day.

$PIZZA@magnacarta! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @savvyplayer.

Did you know PIZZA has a very active community Discord? (7/10)