"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who do nothing to prevent it."
<< Albert Einstein >>

Photo of cottonbro studio
Today I come to tell you about my financial situation, in relation to Hive, and the income I have. Everything you will read below is my reality.
I am 56 years old, with different diseases, starting with having 70% of my teeth in poor condition, with 2 teeth about to fall out and several cavities, myopia and astigmatism that were 3.0 the last time I checked myself 3 years ago, and I suppose which now must be in much more (my glasses are already long expired, the same ones with which I write and make content here on Hive).
I have problems with being overweight, probably diabetes (not confirmed, but it is almost certainly so), a bleeding ulcer on my left leg for about 5 months that has not completely healed and that appeared for the 2nd time by accident (I hit myself my leg and a wound opened that won't close) and to this day (5 months or so) it has barely been covered with a scab and it continues to bleed (a lot less but it continues).
In addition to having all my toenails ingrown, they hurt when I'm resting or walking, and due to my overweight problem I can't cut them because my belly prevents me from doing so.
In addition to all this, 3 years ago my testicle became infected, it filled with pus, and it emptied itself. I never wanted to go to the doctor because I don't like them, and as a result of that, my gonad stayed lower than normal. and increased in size.
Apart from this, also about 3 years ago, I felt like something emptied in my stomach, on the right side of my body, I got very scared and didn't go to the doctor, I am someone without resources, without family and the health system of this country. , it is not reliable and is useless.
I would rather die at home than go to those public places (I have done it before, with serious injuries and almost bled to death, because they have made me wait up to 12 hours for treatment while I have been bleeding, imagine being alone in the public hospital bleeding and without anyone to help or care for me, I don't want to go through that again).
In addition to this, I am Asperger's, so I don't like socializing with people, and it is very difficult for me to do so (when I do it it is out of obligation and in rare cases because I consider the person my friend).
Having said all this so that you understand that my context is extremely complicated, I want to make it clear that my income comes from creating content, this is what I live from and I do not want nor do I like to do anything else.

Photo of Víctor C.
So it is not an option that I would accept to work on the street doing anything else (by the way, I can't do it).
My main source of income for about 8 years is Hive. Before that I was doing online surveys.
I am single, without wife, children or family. My family on my mother's side (aunts and cousins) are in the USA and in other parts of the world, I have written to them repeatedly on Instagram, telling them that I am facing serious difficulties (apart from health problems, at home the plumbing The dishwasher, the shower, the toilet, and the sink are clogged, so I only have to use the sink faucets. In addition to this, my washing machine broke down 4 years ago and washing my pants is a titanic task, since at the same time. get wet weigh more than 50 kilos. Imagine what it means to wash that by hand and standing).
In addition to all this, my mattress is damaged with a large hole of about 40 cm in diameter in the middle, the springs come out and I cannot sleep there, I had to move to my deceased parents' room, and because it is a double bed wooden, which is more than 50 years old, is already old and has rotten legs, one leg broke and now the mattress where I sleep is on its side, so I have to sleep on my side every night, and at dawn I I usually wake up with pain. Add this to the pain I have on the right side of my body, from the organ or I don't know what, that came out years ago.
I touch the lower part of my stomach and I feel the hardness, I feel that there is something there that is not normal and that I require their help, but they have never responded to me and I have given up looking for them, I know that I cannot count on them. I have exhausted all ways to solve that and will not pursue that issue any further.
Having already all this great context, I have written this NOT to earn your pity, but to show you the real part of Hive, which is not as most say, it is not a dream, and few dare to really show what it is.
I have decided to show you what I get from the Hive rewards, me, this humble servant, who is an ordinary mortal, a content creator dedicated to writing variety blogs, horror/horror stories, pixel art artist, and story creator For children, young people and adults, I also make karaoke videos and various content.
As you can see, I am multifaceted, I have explored almost all the opportunities that come to my hands, so I am going to show you this, what I manage to acquire in food, by September 5, 2024, after accumulating a whole week of rewards in Hive ( 7 days publishing 1 quality post daily) which is approximately 7 HBD.

Photo taken with my phone KRIP 4b
The prices and calculations of the products you see there are as follows, each one has its equivalent in dollars and hives.
- Rice 1 kg x 2 = $3.33 dollars = 20 Hives
- Sardines x 2 = $1.08 dollars = 6.6 Hives
- Toilet Paper x 1 = $1.3 dollars = 7.87 Hives
- Total = $5.71 dollars = 34.47 Hives
(All these prices are calculated with the current price of Hive at the time of making my purchases, calculated at $0.165 per Hive)
Keep in mind that the 2 cans of sardines last only 1 day, dividing them frugally into 2 meals (saving as much as possible).
Currently the rewards are 32.52 weekly Hives on average, that is, 4.64 daily Hives.
So I am really forced to power down my account since my current income in Hive is not enough to even cover food.

Photo of cottonbro studio
This is without including the rest of the obligations such as condominium payment, cell phone recharging, electric service payment, internet payment, which between all these services the sum amounts to $51.42 dollars.
If we take into account that per month I get about 30 HBD ($30 dollars) in Hive rewards, and this is because I power down my account, because if I take it literally what I earn is exactly $21.46 dollars = 130 Hives per month) and that apart from That's why I have an additional income of $30 from renting a parking space, that adds up to $60 a month and if we add up my income minus expenses (60-51.42=8.58), I have $8.58 left.
And that is assuming that I will only eat one for 1 week in the entire month..., since those 2 kg of rice that I show you only last 7 days (saving money and eating sardines for only 1 day, which is how long those 2 cans last me) .
Now let's see, if I really only ate sardines every day, they would be:
- $32.4 dollars for sardines all month
- $3.9 dollars in toilet paper (3 packages that last 1 month)
- $51.42 for services = $87.72 dollars, and currently I only get $21.46 dollars per month (130 Hives), when in reality to be able to cover my expenses I require 531.63 Hives per month.
And that is assuming that I will not buy clothes, that I will not eat anything but rice and sardines, without vegetables, without proteins, without fruits.
This is to clearly represent the reality that I live, without lies, without farces and eating only the same thing all the time, missing out on acquiring medicines and repairing services at home, which need to be attended to and I have put them off for more than 5 years due to the staggered financial crisis to which I am subjected (not to mention the catastrophic financial situation in Venezuela).
I leave it there, because this is the pure and absolute truth, of what a veteran like me, obtains from rewards in Hive, and be careful that I am not one of those favored with the appreciator votes (if anything In these years, I have received 5 votes from them and I still wonder how that could happen) or from any other of the big projects (Cervantes voted for me only 1 time in my life, and it wasn't even him, but @goya).
Simply because I have made my way through Hive on my own, without having to lick anyone's boots.
And I'm very proud to be that part of that minority.
Those who always receive that benefit, I am sure that if they lived a situation like the one I endure, they would not last a single week before going crazy.
Draw your own conclusions.
This text was translated from Spanish to English using Google Translator.

Image of OpenClipart-Vectors in Pixabay
Hoy vengo a contarles acerca de cómo está mi situación financiera, en relación a Hive, y a los ingresos que tengo. Todo lo que leerán a continuación es mi realidad.
Tengo 56 años, distintas enfermedades, empezando por tener el 70% de mi dentadura en mal estado, con 2 dientes a punto de desprenderse y varias caries, miopía y astigmatismo que eran de 3.0 la última vez que me chequeé hace 3 años, y supongo que ahora deben estar en mucho más (mis lentes están ya vencidos hace mucho tiempo, esos mismos con los que escribo y hago contenido aquí en Hive).
Tengo problemas de sobrepeso, probablemente diabetes (no confirmada, pero es casi seguro que así sea), una úlcera sangrante en mi pierna izquierda desde hace unos 5 meses que no se termina de curar y que me apareció por 2da vez por accidente (me golpeé la pierna y se me abrió una herida que no cierra) y que al día de hoy (5 meses más o menos) apenas se me ha cubierto con una costra y me sigue sangrando (mucho menos pero sigue).
Además de tener todas las uñas de mis pies enterradas que me duelen estando en reposo o al caminar, y que debido a mi problema de sobrepeso no puedo cortármelas porque la panza me lo impide.
Además de todo esto hace 3 años se me infectó un testículo, se me llenó de pus, y se me vació solo, nunca quise ir al médico porque no me gustan, y a raíz de eso, la gónada se me quedó más abajo de lo normal y aumentó de tamaño.
Aparte de esto, también hace unos 3 años, sentí como que algo se vació en mi estómago, del lado derecho del cuerpo, me asusté mucho y no fui al médico, soy alguien sin recursos, sin familia y el sistema de salud de este país, no es confiable y no sirve para nada.
Prefiero morirme en casa a que ir a esos lugares públicos (ya lo he hecho antes, con heridas graves y casi muero desangrado, pues me han hecho esperar hasta 12 horas para atenderme mientras he estado sangrando, imagínense estar yo solo en el hospital público sangrando y sin nadie que me ayude o atienda, no quiero volver a pasar por eso).
Además de esto, soy asperger, por lo que no me gusta socializar con la gente, y me cuesta mucho trabajo hacerlo (cuando lo hago es por obligación y en raros casos porque la persona la considero mi amigo).
Dicho todo esto para que entiendan que mi contexto es sumamente complicado, quiero dejar claro que mis ingresos provienen de la creación de contenidos, de esto es lo que vivo y no quiero ni tampoco me gusta hacer ninguna otra cosa.

Foto de Víctor C.
Por lo que no es una opción que aceptara el trabajar en la calle haciendo cualquier otra cosa (de paso no puedo hacerlo).
Mi fuente principal de ingresos desde hace unos 8 años, es Hive. Anterior a eso me dedicaba a hacer encuestas online.
Soy soltero, sin esposa, hijos o familia. Mi familia por parte de madre (tías y primos/as) se encuentran en USA y en otras partes del mundo, les he escrito en repetidas ocasiones por Instagram, diciéndole que enfrento serias dificultades (aparte de los problemas de salud, en casa la cañería del lavaplatos, la regadera, el WC, y el lavamanos están obstruidas, por lo que me toca usar solo los grifos de la batea. Adicional a esto mi lavadora se dañó hace 4 años y lavar mis pantalones es una tarea titánica, ya que al mojarse pesan más de 50 kilos.Imagínense lo que supone lavar eso a mano y estando de pie).
Además de todo esto mi colchón está averiado con un gran orificio de unos 40 cm de diámetro en el medio, los resortes se salen y no puedo dormir allí, me tocó mudarme al cuarto de mis fallecidos padres, y debido a que es una cama matrimonial de madera, que tiene más de 50 años, ya está vieja y tiene las patas podridas, se le rompió una pata y ahora el colchón en donde duermo queda de lado, así que me toca dormir de lado todas las noches, y al amanecer me levanto generalmente con dolores. Sumado esto al dolor que tengo del lado derecho del cuerpo, del órgano o no sé qué, que se me salió hace años.
Yo me toco la parte baja del estómago y siento la dureza, siento que hay algo allí que no es normal) y que requiero de su ayuda, pero nunca me han respondido y ya desistí de buscarles, sé que no puedo contar con ellos. He agotado todas las formas de solucionar eso y no insistiré más en ese tema.
Teniendo ya todo este gran contexto, que he escrito esto NO para ganarme la lástima de ustedes, sino para demostrarles la parte real de Hive, que no es como la mayoría dicen, no es un sueño, y pocos se atreven a realmente demostrar lo que sí es.
He decidido demostrarles lo que obtengo de las recompensas de Hive, yo, este humilde servidor, que es un mortal cualquiera, un creador de contenidos dedicado a escribir blogs de variedades, historias de terror/horror, artista del pixel art, y creador de cuentos para niños, jóvenes y adultos, también hago vídeos de karaoke y de diversos contenidos.
Como ven, soy multifacético, he explorado casi todas las oportunidades que llegan a mis manos, entonces paso a demostrarles esto, lo que logro adquirir en alimentos, para el 5 de septiembre de 2024, luego de acumular toda una semana de recompensas en Hive (7 días publicando 1 post de calidad diariamente) que son aproximadamente 7 HBD.

Foto tomada con mi telefono KRIP 4b
Los precios y cálculos de los productos que allí ven son los siguientes, cada uno tiene su equivalencia en dólares y en hives.
- Arroz 1 kg x 2 = $3.33 dólares = 20 Hives
- Sardinas x 2 = $1.08 dólares = 6.6 Hives
- Papel Higiénico x 1 = $1.3 dólares = 7.87 Hives
- Total = $5.71 dólares = 34.47 Hives
(Todos estos precios son calculados con el precio actual del Hive al momento de hacer mis compras, calculado a $0.165 por Hive)
Hay que tener en cuenta que las 2 latas de sardinas, duran 1 solo día, dividiéndolas frugalmente en 2 comidas (economizando al máximo).
Actualmente las recompensas son 32.52 Hives semanales en promedio, es decir 4.64 Hives diarios.
Por lo que realmente me veo obligado a hacer power down de mi cuenta ya que no me alcanza los actuales ingresos en Hive para cubrir ni siquiera la alimentación.

Foto de cottonbro studio
Esto sin incluir el resto de obligaciones como pago del condominio, recarga del teléfono celular, pago del servicio eléctrico, pago del internet, que entre todos estos servicios la suma se eleva a $51.42 dólares.
Si tomamos en cuenta que al mes obtengo en recompensas de Hive unos 30 HBD ($30 dólares, y esto es porque hago power down de mi cuenta, porque si tomo literal lo que gano son exactamente $21.46 dólares = 130 Hives semanales) y que aparte de eso tengo un ingreso adicional de $30 por un alquiler de un puesto de estacionamiento, eso suman $60 al mes y si hacemos la cuenta de mis ingresos menos los gastos (60-51.42=8.58), me quedan $8.58 .
Y eso asumiendo que solo comeré una 1 semana en todo el mes..., ya que esos 2 kg de arroz que les muestro me duran 7 días solamente (economizando y comiendo sardinas solo 1 día que es lo que me duran esas 2 latas).
Ahora veamos, si realmente comiera sardinas todos los días solamente, serían:
- $32.4 dólares por sardinas todo el mes
- $3.9 dólares en papel higiénico (3 empaques que duran todo 1 mes)
- $51.42 de los servicios = $87.72 dólares, y actualmente solo obtengo $21.46 dólares mensuales (130 Hives), cuando en realidad para poder solventar mis gastos requiero 531.63 Hives mensuales.
Y eso suponiendo que no compraré ropa, que no me alimentaré sino solamente con arroz y sardinas, sin vegetales, sin proteínas, sin frutas.
Esto es para representar claramente la realidad que vivo, sin mentiras, sin farsas y comiendo solamente lo mismo todo el tiempo, faltándome adquirir medicinas y reparación de servicios en el hogar, que necesitan atenderse y las he pospuesto por más de 5 años debido a la escalonada crisis financiera a la que estoy sometido (sin mencionar la situación catastrófica a nivel financiero de Venezuela).
Se los dejo allí, porque esto es la pura y absoluta verdad, de lo que un veterano como yo, obtiene de recompensas en Hive, y ojo que yo no soy uno de los favorecidos con los votos de apreciator (si acaso en estos años, he recibido 5 votos de ellos y aun me pregunto como eso pudo ocurrir) o de cualquier otro de los proyectos grandes(Cervantes me voto solo 1 sola vez en la vida, y ni siquiera fue el, sino @goya).
Simplemente porque me he abierto paso en Hive por mis propios medios, sin tener que lamerle las botas a nadie.
Y estoy muy orgulloso siendo esa parte de esa minoría.
Aquellos que siempre reciben ese beneficio, estoy seguro que si viviesen una situación como la que yo sobrellevo, no durarían ni una sola semana antes de enloquecer.
Saquen ustedes sus propias conclusiones.

This is my black cat "manclar", this account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).
Thumbnail maded using Gemini AI and edited in Canva.com
Images captured using my Krip 4b phone
The text dividers were made by me using aseprite
I look forward to reading other responses. The post is pretty clear and points to people.
Best regards @manclar
I don't think there are answers in this post, at least not many, if anything yours will be the only one...but thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate it.
I am sad to hear of your exigency, but admire your fight to survive such adversity, and particularly your sacrifices to maintain your honor and good faith.
This sounds to me like a hernia. I am not aware of any possible treatment but surgery to close the breach, and if untreated will continue to progress. Despite the very real and good reasons to avoid doctors and the horrible medical system in Venezuela, you will either seek treatment or the condition will worsen (if it is a hernia), and possibly become life threatening. Any physical exertion could cause it to suddenly become worse. I am not any kind of doctor, and am incapable of being relied on for diagnosis or treatment recommendations, but I must recommend you seek medical treatment for this, and other ailments, you suffer.
I have only recently become aware of your content and followed you. I am not unfamiliar with pain and suffering, being 100% disabled yet receiving no social welfare beyond sketchy medical treatment. I have a broken tooth I glue together daily, yet will wait for professional extraction for some time (I was initially told I would see a dentist in January, LOL), and yesterday spent ~12 hours helping a friend clean his roof with a toothbrush, because his pressure washer broke. His roof is very steep, and I had to be tied to a tree to keep from sliding off the roof. I do what I can to help people where I am, but unfortunately I cannot go to Venezuela and fix your bed or anything broken to assist you.
I can follow you on Hive, upvote your posts, and correspond with you here. Despite your Asperger's it is essential to your survival you seek the help of good people where you are, and I know there are good people everywhere in the world - even Venezuela. I cannot overcome the demons that torment you for you, and can only urge you to have courage and faith that reaching out for help is the only possible way it can get to you. Somewhere near you is a poor but good hearted carpenter that can fix your bed, maybe a handyman that can fix your washer or plumbing. They cannot find you unless you tell people of your need.
I hope you do, and your circumstances improve.
Life for me has always been an extreme challenge, thank you for your encouraging words, I try everything in my power to stay on my feet.
I don't know if it will be a hernia, and talking about an operation is synonymous with death for me... I don't have anyone to attend to me or take care of me after the operation, so it's not like I'm going to do it.
I try to exert myself physically as little as possible, but every day I have to collect heavy tubes of water to fill the containers in my home. If I don't do it, I run out of water for the toilet and to cover the rest of my needs (cooking, drinking, cleaning home, etc.).
Thank you very much for following me, I really appreciate it, and I'm sorry that you are also in a complicated situation (which in my poor English I understand that you are). Cleaning your ceiling with a toothbrush is really amazing, what a tedious job, but it's all for friends, right?
I appreciate your good will, I know that distances make things even more complex and even sad.
Regarding the people around me, the truth is there is no one around here (in my neighborhood or place where I live) to turn to for help (I have done it before repeatedly and they have not offered support, basically because here Everyone is with their problems and their life, they care little about others, and even less about mine haha).
Show what you are, a big unicorn with a diamond horn maybe? (not sure)
And if I don't get help, it doesn't matter, I've accepted my fate for a while (and I think it will be less painful that way, because I'm tired of having chronic depression for more than 40 years), of fading away, to be honest, it's not that I I'm going to promote it or I'm looking for it, but I hope for it and I will be very happy for it to happen. Of course, let it be soon, because I'm quite exhausted friend.
Thank you for offering me your support and voluntarily approaching this post, which is not a cry for help, it is more so that there is a record of what is happening to me, what my reality is and how I am dying, the reasons and what is happening around me, with the hope that documenting this serves a purpose, is useful.
A hug!.
Many times I was crushed in spirit and yearned for death. I dreamed of it for years while I was held in captivity as a slave. My heart was broken, I was betrayed by everyone I loved, abandoned by a god I had trusted. Everything I owned, worth >$1M today, was stolen by fraud. Some nights I dreamed I was drowning deep in a pool of endless grief. Some nights I dreamed of fighting God, whom I could never reach because He was behind an infinite wall as smooth as glass. After years of this dream the wall became like Jello, into which I could plunge, but then became trapped and unable to move. I believed my worst enemy was hope, because when my hope was crushed I was plunged into despair, which was far worse than expecting nothing. I sought to be without hope, to expect nothing good. I meditated and breathed in all the hate around me, keeping it all in, and exhaling the love, mercy, and foolish faith I believed made me weak and caused my betrayal. When I was released after years of captivity I retreated to the woods, where I lived alone for some time. Eventually I tired of solitude and penury, and sought work and a place to live in town, where, like you, I found no one good and nothing worthwhile.
One day I was utterly destitute, and needed $5 without which I was unwilling to continue to suffer. I lived in a tool trailer I had made by teaching myself to weld bed frames together and scraps of materials I had scavenged off job sites and rented a place for it for $100 a month. No one was going to come to my home and give me what I needed, so I went door to door and asked for any honest work that would pay me that day. I do not know how many doors I knocked on. I went up every street and knocked on the doors of every house and business.
When I came to an art gallery and asked for any honest work that would pay that day, the owner had me clean the pedestals and cabinets. He paid me $20 and told me to come back the next day. I continued to work for him until he died from the covid jabs a couple years ago. I remember him every day. He saved my life. He forced me to be glad to be alive. While I worked for him from time to time, I also worked for his neighbors, who needed their lawns mowed, their fences repaired, plumbing, and etc, and I gradually came to work for certain neighborhoods where my reputation as a skilled craftsman and honest, hard worker was known. I am disabled and in constant pain from injury to my back, but I have learned to move carefully and not to repeat the injury, and to do things right the first time so I don't have to undo them, and then do them again, because I am lazy and don't like causing me more pain than I have to suffer.
I no longer dream of death, and I often do work for people without any expectation of pay, but everyone, no matter how old, infirm, or poor insists on giving me something. I am very grateful for the many meals I have been provided in this way. The day I cleaned the roof I ate bread made of squash I grew and eggs from a local farmer, made by an ailing barmaid I have helped often, who added nuts and dried fruit. I scavenge job sites for materials to give to people that need them, like steps I made for her, and along the way I have discovered that sometimes the people I help have friends and families that aren't poor, and are grateful I helped their loved one. Sometimes their families are thieves and robbers, who will not rob or steal from me, because I helped their mother, sister, or friend. The man whose roof I cleaned with a toothbrush, even though it was 40C that day, cannot pay me now, but he will sell that house, and he yearns to pay me for what I do for him, although I tell him I just want him to get his house sold. Today I did some chores for a little old lady, and she will let me use her pressure washer this Sunday to finish washing the roof of my friend, so he can list his house for sale on Monday.
In these last seven years after I came out of the woods, I have gone from a pariah to a beloved helper of little old ladies, old men whose strength has gone, the poor, and broken people, and am widely admired by many who used to slander me in gossip that was entirely lies, or who only know me from my work helping people. Eventually this goodwill enabled me to ask people who were not poor to pay my bills instead of paying me money. Such help is not taxed. A friend of someone I helped sold me a home for $100. It was in terrible neglected condition, but it was better than the tool trailer, so I went to work and fixed it as best I could and live in it now, where I can hear the surf of the ocean. Banks and adulterous wives cannot swindle me out of my goodwill. It cannot be taxed, stolen, inflated, or lost in the wash. Everywhere I go, people are happy to see me because I am happy to help them without hope of pay. It is hard to be miserable when people are happy to see you.
I do not know what you can do to help people in need, but I can tell you that doing so creates goodwill in the community, and that goodwill can be a lifeline that can save your life, even to make it worth living. I know that because that is what creating goodwill has done for me.
Interesting story, the truth is very motivating, I think that where you live people are more inclined to offer jobs, here it is much more difficult, people are distrustful and you are rarely going to get something, believe me, I have tried for a long time my dear.
And regarding helping the needy, yes I have done it many times, here is one of those, he is Alejandro, a homeless man on the street, who helped and received support for the video I showed, here you can see it, this was ago 6 years old, he already died, shot and killed by a trafficker. He lived on the street, he was homeless, and on more than one occasion I gave him food, I let him sleep in my home and I shared with him, even when he robbed me and even allowed my own home to be robbed, after all the trust I gave him. Even so he helps him.
Note: you can set subtitles on english en each video
And also this lady who needed food and insulin and got it through donations, in those days I could walk much better than now, it's hard for me to move:
And so did many other people, including a drunk from the area for whom I also got food.
Here the community only helped me on one occasion when I couldn't walk, but what they did was call a doctor only to treat me, but the rest of the 7 months that I spent lying in bed without being able to walk, I had to deal with it for myself. alone, crawling on the ground, like a snake, to get things done...
People around here think in a different way, everyone is in their own way my friend.
Saludos mi amigo. Qué difícil es vivir o estar en esa situación. Cuánto lo lamento realmente y como me gustaría que mejorara. Hay que hacer una y mil cosas aquí en Venezuela para medio comer y pagar los servicios que más da 😥 Pero no decaiga y siga adelante que usted es una gran persona con bastante talento. Dios lo bendiga estimado 🙏
Pues ha sido una batalla tras de otra mi estimada. Y creo que va a empeorar por otras cosas que me han contado en privado, cosas que no puedo contar públicamente, ojala que no se avecinen tiempos oscuros para mi, pero según me dijeron, así sera.
Estoy cansado, son casi 50 años peleando, necesito tranquilidad, que es lo que mas anhelo, sin angustias, ansiedad o estas constantes batallas.
Como siempre, agradecido de su visita por esta mi casita virtual.
Bueno, Dios permita cubrirlo con su manto de toda esa maldad 😥🙏
Hoy me volvieron a dar malas noticias,asi que no creo que tarde en pasar amiga, pero si asi es, uds se darán cuenta.
the only happy in Venezuela is Maduro and his gang
Certainly, with all the money he takes from each of the Venezuelans, because through all his illegalities he has ruined the lives of millions of human beings 😠.
Hola, no sabía esta dura realidad que te toca vivir en tu país, ojalá las cosas mejoraran pronto, pero lo veo como un largo camino, voy a tratar de pasarme seguido por tus posts, saludos
Hello dear, well yes, it is a difficult stage that I have had for a long time, and it has not improved, and well here I am still trying to endure all this as best I can, so you are always welcome for my posts, tomorrow I will publish a new nft, very nice and economics, you will surely like it, I invite you to visit it 💙
No sé exactamente qué decir, son muchas cosas. Demasiadas. A veces no entiendo cuando algunas personas comentan que la situación está mejorando. Mostrarnos vulnerables no es fácil, ha sido muy valiente de tu parte redactar este post, no sé como no lo vi antes.
Hola Nina, muchas gracias, a mi no me gusta ventilar estas cosas, porque es una situacion muy dificil, y en otras ocasiones lo he dicho y ha pasado debajo de la mesa, como algo sin importancia, me he sentido como un cero a la izquierda, subvalorado, y ha sido no solamente no porque no me hayan dado una mano, sino porque no comprendo como otras personas y grandes proyectos si se dan a la tarea de apoyar a otros casos de personas que solicitan un telefono celular, un televisor o cosas que no son tan necesarias para sus vidas como para mi lo son estas cosas, (que representan una necesidad VITAL) y a mi me ignoran.
Y te estoy hablando de los grandes proyectos hispanos (no de hispapro que ha sido el único proyecto que se ha manifestado hasta el momento), eso a mi me entristece, y me hace realmente cuestionar la moral de esos supuestos "proyectos". Y no es que no se hayan enterado, porque estas cosas siempre se saben,mas cuando vienen de la mano de un"testigo".
haz dicho lo correcto, ya el estar aquí hablando conmigo, me demuestra tu preocupación, y yo te lo agradezco 💖
La situación no va mejorando, quizá para algunos enchufados que reciben $30 o mas por publicar contenidos que son basura si mejora...pero no para mi que realmente vengo un esfuerzo desde hace 8 años en hive, y que en estos momentos debería tener una cuenta con 10 o 15k hp para poder estar en mejor posición. Lamentablemente no he recibido el apoyo que esas otras publicaciones que son de cuestionable calidad si han recibido...tu sabes, el circulo de votos de siempre...eso sumado a toda esa situación que has leído que tengo que superar.
Para mi el hacer este post me ha costado mucho, he querido dejar un registro lo mas fiel y representativo de lo que esta pasando, sin ningún tipo de maquillaje o exageración, sino realmente presentar los hechos con el mayor detalle posible, para que quede aqui en la blockchain mi verdadera realidad, que se sepa la lucha que libro, y lo que esta pasando con los grandes proyectos, en cuanto a quien apoyan y a quien no. Eso va a dejar una gran prueba de cuanta moral poseen para hablar de la ayuda que ofrecen, no es solo una prueba para mi, sino también para ellos.
El post no lo viste antes porque no es mi intencion hacer ruido de esto, o que me tengan lastima, sino que quedase un registro de lo que esta pasando, y de la respuesta que esto pueda recibir de las comunidades. Por ahora, solo @hispapro se ha ocupado de participar, y ese gesto para mi, representa mucho, no solo por la ayuda, sino por hacerme saber que están conmigo, que es algo que agradezco tanto, como las lineas tan acertadas que me has escrito.
Te envio un abrazo sincero, y te doy las gracias por apoyarme con los 10 HBD que los usare para adquirir unos vegetales, algun pedacito de queso, y unos paquetes de arroz.
Muchas gracias Nina, ahora soy yo quien no sabe exactamente como responderte 😙
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Es todo muy complejo, entiendo tu posición desde la decepción y ganas de supervivencia, que no pueden pasar desapercibidas, pero al final no es obligación de nadie ayudar a todos. No soy capaz de defender ni culpabilizar a nadie sin pruebas objetivas y tampoco me importa, no es para eso por lo que yo estoy en Hive. Pero sí creo que hay personas ayudando mucho dentro del ecosistema sin hacer ruido de ello, al final son cosas muy personales y es difícil que quien pasa por tanto, como tú, llegue a compartir lo que le sucede. Por supuesto, hay que reconocer en todo sentido el apoyo y visibilidad que te y prestado hispapro, era necesario, al menos para que yo pudiera llegar hasta aquí. Dentro de lo que pueda, intentaré ayudarte, espero que mi rutina me permita seguir activa porque hay veces que he tenido que hacer parones en Hive, porque simplemente no me da la vida, pero mientras pueda hacer algo, cuenta conmigo. Primero es atender el tema de la comida, así que me parece lo más sensato que utilices este pequeño apoyo para abastecerte aunque sea por unos días, porque si no nos alimentamos medianamente bien, intentar hacer cualquier otra cosa se complica más.
Ciertamente, no es obligación de nadie ayudar a nadie, así como yo tampoco estoy en obligación de dar mi voto de testigo a quien no me apoya (ni me ha apoyado), me parece que es un camino de 2 vias y bastante justo 😀 .
Yo mis dramas de la vida, no me gusta compartirlos por aqui, porque en realidad hive lo tengo para otro tipo de contenidos, los dramas los publico por facebook, y allí procuro no tener como contactos (y no quiero tener) a nadie de hive.
El testigo y yo tenemos trato desde hace años, asi que de cuando en cuando conversamos sobre distintas cosas y siempre nos hemos mantenido en contacto por diferentes razones tecnológicas y de otros temas de interés común.
Gracias Nina, no quiero que mi presencia se vuelva una carga para ti, ya he adquirido 3 kilos de arroz(4.5 hbd, 10 latas de sardinas 5 hbd y 1 sobrecito de nestum (cereal de vitaminas que me gusta tomar) por 0.5 hbd, alli se invirtieron los 10 hbd). Con eso tengo para comer durante unos 9 dias mas o menos, asi que its something! 💗
Con las sardinitas podre estar teniendo mas fuerza en hacer unos dibujos y otros contenidos, y ya estaré haciendo un nft que te dedicare, sobre el tema viajes y comida, estoy dandole forma a la idea para mas o menos encontrar algo que te represente.
Nuevamente muchas gracias querida Nina, por cierto sigo esperando a que me converses por discord, de lo que me quieres hablar, me causas mas intriga que mi psicologo, al que le encanta hacer silencios para crear suspendo (le fascina eso 😀 )
Un abrazo.
$PIZZA slices delivered:
(3/5) @manclar tipped @ninaeatshere