HeartChurch: A few minutes of peace

in Proof of Brain4 years ago


I remember once I had a big problem, and it really was a big problem that made my life bitter, that day was August 30, 2015, I got into a taxi, going through some streets took us about 1 hour, due to the immense traffic, and I began to worry about the time it would take, after a few seconds I laughed, because I just received a very good job offer. which I was waiting for a long time.

After a few minutes, I was very tempted to call everyone to celebrate this great news, but I held back to thank God for a moment. It was when silence completely enveloped me as if a blanket of peace covered me, the atmosphere of the taxi seemed that of a church chapel and I had a feeling of unity with God, a kind of fullness as if I was surrounded by so much peace, a peace that passes all understanding. I managed to stick my head out the window, took a photo, the city seemed more beautiful than ever.

Something in me told me: Remember this moment, this is a sign that you waited so long for, and God tells you that everything from now on will be fine.

Now: How are these moments of peace achieved?

Through daily practice.

I once heard a person who dedicated once a week to being completely silent. That may sound extreme, but imagine how quiet there must be in my head.

He learned to take a break during the day and be calm, get away from all things that make noise. a friend taught me about the serenity prayer. When you find yourself lost in the midst of confusion, doubt or indecision. just pause, silence the noise and in the stillness repeat:

My God, give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to tell the difference.

This will transform your life, if you can commit yourself daily to it, in general, nothing happens in half an hour, I just sit in the presence of God and somehow later, when I need it most, peace invades me. He found that the best way to turn off noise is to turn on silence.


Posted via proofofbrain.io


God? I find it impolite to blab about your spirituality and tell others 'this is it'! Spirituality is a very intimate thing.

Besides this, I call this tag-abuse; has nothing to do with #leofinance. So you get a tiny downvote from me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Posted via proofofbrain.io

Nobody is a nobody in a decentralized enviroment. You might learn to understand that, maybe, one day.

You are very impolite and far out of what your believe-system stands for. Quite the usual contradiction :)


Posted via proofofbrain.io

btw. if you edit your comments, so one cannot see what you wrote: This does not work that well on the blockchain, as it is all still there (nothing ever gets deleted on a a blockchain, only hidden on some frontends).
It is also a coward's move.