POP: DAY 1 Writing for your happiness and your health

in Proof of Brain3 years ago


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Over the years I have come to realize that daily writing is not only fun. many people told me why you write so much?

I stopped doing it for a while, and I didn't feel like I was the same. something was missing. So I got back to the art of writing. I realized that apart from improving our writing and way of expressing ourselves. Also, it is good for your body and your brain. improves our mind and health.
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First of all, improve your memory. it's amazing how good writing daily does to your memory.

Writing daily in a journal or blog can have a positive effect on your mood. As long as you write with your heart and about what you like the most in the world.

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This also helps me to be orderly with my thoughts, sometimes I take 10 min of kla in the morning to write in my favorite diary, which started a few months ago. This has given me positive effects on my creativity. regular writing helps us get our ideas in order and make better use of logic.

I found this diary online a few months. where for a very low cost. I can host all my writings, save projects, important things. and they are always there when I look for them and need them. always in an orderly way, in month format to have a better perspective!
Dare to use it. its name is https://www.proofofbrain.io/

Posted via proofofbrain.io