About my day

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Good morning/good afternoon guys ..how has been your day? .Mine has been great
I am doing TP (teaching practice) and trust me my day was marvellous. I am taking jss1 class English language and for today. We read a passage together
Your guys know jss1 student are very troublesome and nosiy but they are really great and funny people .Demilade the most troublesome girl in the class follow by Ife and then fola
The student I love the most is iyanu..she is this quiet and very beautiful girl whom I really like. When I asked around why she is this quiet,I was told she was always like that and I really love her for that
Then the class monitress. I can't recall her name but she has the best handwriting in the class and also one of my favorite.she is a calm and neat girl who always listen
The whole class are nice also. They are really wonderful kids with great future. Always disturbing my class and the never complete their note , I hope they don't fuck up when my supervisor comes.
The school is amazing but you know their setting is not to my taste 😜. The way at which they conduct their students is not to standard but I still love the school
Their teachers are not well disclpine. Sometimes they don't come to school and the committee don't scold them for that
Thus, the school is amazing and my day so far was great. I hope this keeps going on till the end of the day...

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Thank for sharing this with us, to be sincere jss1 student are very troublesome, they love to make noise because they are still behave like primary school students.

They have not have the understanding of the secondary school they are just coming up and they are funny, because you will see some their clothes will be dirty as if they are in primary one.

Some if you see their note book you will be surprise that this note book, they will have tear it scatter their book on the floor all the back of the book will have stain of oil from the food they eat.

Some you will be teaching them they will be playing but as time go on they will have the knowledge of that secondary school.

Because the more they go to the next class the more they improve, keep enjoying them for now later you will still enjoy them the more.

Because by the time you keep interact with them you will still notice something about them which you can help them.

Because some are facing alot from home and they will need your advice or you will need to help them with good advice and encouragement.

The more your friendly to each one you think they lack one or two things you can move close to ask them what happens and will tell you,so that they won't be influence with bad people or friends.

Some maybe he or she was not given food from home that is why he or she is not serious in her study, so as there teacher you have to be friendly to everybody and interact with them, so them care.

And you will see that you will help some of them from the position they are to good one

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Good to hear you had an awesome day. We down here on proofofbrain and Hive at large would much wish to share in your happiness as you share about them with us daily.

However, some photos if possible would be really great as well. Hope to see you around...

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