Friendship is like a tree,it is not measured on how tall it could be,but on how deep the roots have grown.
It is not compulsory to share everything with your true friend but it is compulsory that everything you share must be true.
True friends are like diamonds...... they are real and rare. False friends are like leaves , they are scattered everywhere.
Friendship is a priceless gift that can't be bought or sold ,but to have an understanding friend is far more worth than gold.
A friend gives hope when life is low,a friend is like a place you can go when you are emotional down, a friend is true and honest.
The beauty of friendship is looking back during odd and unfavourable times, knowing for sure that there is some one somewhere who is willing to make you smile.
Value friendship is not merely by seeing each other every day.what counts is that somehow in our busy lives,we remember each other.
The only wealth I have are the people around me that I really call friends and you are one of them☺️.
Lastly,I want to apologise for not writing all these days..I have been very busy and still trying to adjust to somethings and I hope to write more often