Being relentless is one of the major attributes of a successful person. To be relentless means not stopping or getting less strong . It means to refuse to give life,I have to learn how to be relentless.
We have to know that losers are quitters. No matter how hard you try to do something and it seems like it's not working out, just try harder,keep on pushing because you never know what God has in store for us.
The person who invented the light bulb tried it for 99 times before he finally got it right,he never gave up. He kept on trying, pushing harder until he achieved his aim. If he had decided to stop the 20th time thinking it wasn't going to work, only God knows if we would have had light bulbs in our homes and in working places today.maybe it would take an extra 100years for another person to think of doing it.
A popular song goes thus " don't give up the Lord is by your side he will never let you down , he will never let you down don't give up.
Work towards your aim and put more effort around the field or area which you have a passion even if no one believes in you, believe in yourself and tell them that one day, you will do it.its not just by telling them alone but by putting a lot of effort and prayers into it. The Bible says"faith without work is dead".
So a desire for something without putting in positive action is useless. It's not all about believing and then sitting down effortlessly.its all about backing your goals up with lots of effort.
Today,I urge everyone to know that even when you think you are useless,as long as you don't give up, you are as useful as water and salt in our society today. So don't give up because difficult and rough road often leads to beautiful destination.
Success as we know isn't something that comes easy at all, for someone to achieve success there must be failures, setbacks and mistakes, the ability of the person to learn and correct his mistakes and also be consistent actually gives the person success.