Some types of people when they are paid in the real world, and also when they are paid in POB platform

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

If talk about salary, indeed these are the things that make us the happiest when we get paid at the place we work. But even so, not everyone feels happy when they get paid. Yeah, maybe because the salary they get is not enough for their living needs, or their salary is just barely enough to buy food. And maybe also because when they get a salary, they can't invest some money from their salary. Because they have to use their salary for other purposes.


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I see there are several types of people on payday. But these are just my views on those who live around me, and maybe you will also feel the same way about the types of people I will write about here when they are getting paid. xD

Giving salary to family

Maybe this is a frequent thing that I see. So for this type, when they get a salary, they will give some of their money to their family. For example, if they have a salary of $300 per month, they will give $100 to their parents, then $40 to their sister, then $60 to pay bills, then $70 for personal needs, and the remaining $30 for transportation to work.

I'm sure for their type when getting a salary like this very much. They have to support their family. I have a friend, I see he has to support 7 families. His parents and in-laws, they all don't work. She also has 2 kids, that's really crazy, I think. When I met him, I saw that he was getting thinner because maybe because he had a lot of things to think about that made him thinner. Do you belong to this type? If yeah, I can only say like this. "You have to be patient, and be grateful. You have to be grateful to have a salary, because many on this earth do not have a salary and their lives are more miserable."

Give 90% salary for wife

Are you the type of husband who gives 90% salary to your wife? If yeah, congratulations, you are a good husband. Because you care about your wife more than your it wrong to give 90% of your salary to your wife? There is nothing wrong, if your wife uses the money you give for the needs of the child and you too. But yeah, I'm not going to give 90% of my salary. I only give 40% of my salary to my wife, 40% for my investment and 20% for my personal needs. xD

Still single not married

For this type, I'm sure you've also felt this way when you were young or when you weren't married. So for this type, when they are paid they will give 50% of their salary to their parents. Then 50% will be spent on things that are not useful, without remembering to invest. And there are also some of these types, when they are paid they will give 50% of their salary to their parents. Then 30% for them to invest, and 20% for personal needs.

So whatever your type when you are paid. I just want to remind you to have savings. So when one day you have an emergency. For example, if you are sick, you can use your savings for your medical expenses.

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What about them when they get paid on the POB platform? What do I mean by payday on the POB platform? I mean, when they claim rewards on their posts. Yeah, as I have seen, there are several types of community when to payday on the POB platform. xD

Selling POB

When they claim a reward on their post, they will sell it without care of the low POB price. They will sell it when they claim the reward on their post.


For this type, when they claim rewards on their posts. They will hodl it without selling or staking. They will wait until the POB price rises for them to sell the POB they hold.


And for this type, when they claim rewards on their posts. They will stake without selling it, so that can harvest in the future.

So whatever your type when payday at POB. I just wanted to remind you to stake some of your POB, so you can harvest it in the future. xD

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Sell, hold or stake, I think this applies to salary as well, Sell is spending on inefficient things, hold is like giving to wife and stake is like invest. 😅