What Is Worth Waiting For In Life? Anything But Not Anything

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

What comes to mind when you read the question? What do you think is worth waiting for in your life?

You may have never thought about this question, same here but here I am asking you the question after thinking so much on it. I got the question after a while of not being able to come up with what to write about. At first, I wanted to adjust answer the question with a "Anything good in life is worth waiting for" but I got into a deeper thought of the question when I tried to write about it.


There are really things that are worth waiting for and there are things that aren't worth the wait at all.
There are things that can only be gotten when we wait for them, things we wish to get but will only end in our wishes if we refuse to wait, what are those things? You will have to answer that question yourself.

Phew!!! I've always thought that waiting (Patience) is a great virtue that requires more from whoever wants to have it as a virtue, not anyone can just have it if they want to.

Someone was praying "I want patience, and I want it now" even the prayer is lacking patience. People are like that, we know we must wait for us to get some things but we find ourselves being impatient towards it. Patience is that difficult to portray but when we do, we never regret it if we take the right steps towards waiting.

I've never really thought of myself as one who waits to get something but in the real sense, I never really take notice of them. I just find myself waiting and I became good at it, it gets difficult sometimes but I still waiting. I wait for almost everything

  • I wait everyday to eat good food
  • I wait everyday to get good grades in school
  • I waited for my mum and she came back even though not totally
  • I wait when my friends ask me to hang out with them
  • I wait to be successful in all my plans

While I do all that waiting, I engage in things that would help me get to them sooner. Maybe that's the reason of my not noticing the time I waited. All those are important things worth waiting for to me and I waited and still waiting.

I feel that once one starts feeling impatient (taking notice of time waited), it is when what is being waited for isn't worth waiting anymore.

Anything could be worth waiting for depending on each person and according to how each person understands to have waited.

My friend waited for just a day to get a new phone and I waited for more than a year to get a new phone, we were both happy for getting what we want after waiting. We both waited but the time frame was different.

Just be sure to have these thoughts in mind while you wait.

  • Will it change your life for the better? And I mean change your life mentally, spiritually, financially and even physically. Think of what you stand to gain if you really wait for it and wait without failing.

Never! I repeat never think of the negativities accompanying that life changing wait you're doing, it's surely not going to end well. Be optimistic with your wait and longing for, it's worth it after all.

Mind you, there are some things not worth waiting for. We've got to identify them according to us and avoid waiting for them, time spent is gone forever. Be sure to find out what you really know is worth waiting for in your life and wait for it without failing.

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Woww.... This is a very thoughtful post and it's a very mindful one. It helps everyone to sit back and take a deeper look into their life and to identify those things that they are waiting for in one-way or another.

I'm currently waiting for a lot of things and I'm working towards reducing the time frame. I wouldn't want to wait for more than 8 weeks to move into a more reserved and decent apartment, but most of the things happening around me are dipping my pocket and subsequently widening the timeframe for my wait.

Well, patience is a virtue. I dunno if I can boast of having that, but I will try to wait while working hard to achieve things at a decent time frame

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No Passing by the time you set for yourself to wait can be really heartbreaking but you just have to wait if it is still worth waiting for.

No one can boast of waiting but everyone should be able to wait for something they know would be a change in their life, just wait without failing.


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The hardest wait is waiting for someone. Expecting someone else's attitude can cause suffering.

I'll give you a personal example: I broke up with a great friend, both were wrong in the story, she hurt me and I hurt her too, but before we left for good, I invited her to come to my city; I would pay for her plane ticket, she would stay at my house, in short, everything would be resolved if she came. But she said no, she said ''I can't'' But she could come if she wanted to, I know that because I know her and I know her life. Well, it's been 4 months now, 4 months we haven't talked or seen each other on social media because I excluded her from everything. I miss her, but what can I do but wait? She said ''I can't go'' When she could, when I did my best to try to fix things by calling her to come here. I don't know if she will ever really come back and we can mend our friendship of more than ten years, but I feel like I shouldn't follow her, go until her, I feel like I should wait... But how long to wait? Is it worth waiting for her? These are questions that still cause me some kind of pain, although this pain is less and less. But it's like that little pain of waiting was the only that still keeps me connected to her.

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I agree with you that it's harder to wait for someone that is why we choose for ourselves what or who we wish to wait for but the important thing is, is the person or something worth waiting for? Don't wait time in waiting for what or who wouldn't come by.

As for you and your friend, if you value the relationship very much, keep in touch with her and let her know that you're waiting. Don't stop waiting if you think she's worth any length of your wait.

Just my suggestion though.

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I can understand how you feel about waiting for her.... The hardest part is that she said she will come when she wants to.... Maybe you should do others things just as @merit.ahama said while waiting for her, that way, you do not start taking note of the waiting period.

You are lucky she said she will come, someone I know told me, I shouldn't even wait..... Even when I want so much to wait.... I have to do what that person wants as long as it makes him happy

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@merit.ahama lots of things are worth waiting for, it depends on individual interest, mine might be different from your own. To some people, it's their family. To me I have lists of what are worth waiting for in life, number one is my family other follows..

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I couldn't agree more with you, we decide what we choose to wait for. Anything and everything can be worth waiting for

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Anything could be worth waiting for depending on each person and according to how each person understands to have waited.

This was the thought that came to my head as I read this post, when I saw this I'm like she just read my mind.

What we hold dear is different according to each person so we'll definitely value different things and be willing to wait for different things.

Everyone's wait time is different, however we should learn to differentiate between waiting patiently and wasting our time.

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😂 I'm glad to have read your mind on that. It all depends on us one what and when to wait for anything. Just be sure to wait for what is worth the wait.

Thanks girl for stopping by

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Smiles.... I'm. Believe anything that's worth the wait should be relevant, people wait for irrelevant things, struggle and strive for things that can change you, your thoughts, your life...

A friend of mine said he was told to in church to wait for God's time and because of that he keeps praying and waiting without pursuing or working towards the goal...

You have to put in some effort and wait for fate to play its part...

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I like that last part, wait and wait for fate to play its part. Just be sure to wait for what's worth waiting for

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What is worth waiting for?
I think everything you desire is worth waiting for.

Tension would be built up, impatience would come, but you have no other option than to wait.

It's would be a tough decision especially if what you're waiting for seems urgent, but you have to wait

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That's it my dear @malopie we wait for what we desire and we don't mind the time it takes if we know it's relevance in our lives.

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I'm glad you share the same view with me.

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Obviously not everything is worth waiting for ,something we just have to go get them ourself instead of waiting .

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Exactly my dear, not everything is worth waiting for

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One must not wait for everything in life because there is time for everything,all the answers for human nature lie in God hand's.

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I strongly agree with you. Is good to wait for things that are worth waiting for.

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I waited for my mum and she came back even though not totally

What do you mean by this, Merit?

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😂 There's a long story behind that but things are much better now, thanks for your concern girl

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There's a long story behind that but things are much better now,

I wish I could hear the story though..... But it's fine since you said its okay now🥺

thanks for your concern girl

Anytime, babe 🙂❤️

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