International Workers' Day

in Proof of Brain4 years ago


Today, May 1st is International Workers' Day. This is the picture of poster I saw in the subway today. It says that every year 2,400 workers lose their lives due to work hazards.

We depend on laborers for our daily existence. They risk their lives for us and for their daily wages. At least once in the year we can consider their safety and recognize them for their efforts.

In Korea much of the dangerous labor is done by foreigners and seniors who cannot find any other work. They take the 3D jobs; difficult, dangerous and dirty. But still are not given the recognition they deserve. This is a day that our attitude should change toward workers.

My International Worker's Day playlist:

Huey Lewis - "Workin' for a Living"

Buffy Sainte Marie - "Little Wheels Spin and Spin."

Pete Seeger - "Solidarity forever"

Phil Ochs - "Joe Hill"

The Beatles - "Hard Days Night"

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Get lost commie! Why don't you take your marxist propaganda back to your ho chi ming poop hole where it belongs. This is the blockchain, nothing but freedom burgers here baby. That's right... what are you going to do about it? Report me to the peoples republic of the bureau of gays who do butt stuff? fucking commie asshole!

Thanks for the elightening comment @christosthegeek. I can see where you are coming from and can see your desire for freedom burgers. I'm glad you use your brain and don't have to worry about where your food comes from or who built the roof over your house. Today is a day to think about those who work their butt off. I agree with you that today is not Dictator Day.

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I think our, shall we say, culturural differences stem from the fact I don't nor ever have looked at manual labor, or the people who do it, as anything that is less, shameful, or something to be relegated to foreigners and old people. It is good to have a job, some people would love to have a job. I don't feel sorry for the people who make my burgers or build the roofs on houses. I see them as equals not to mention that I myself am not averse to doing manual labor for pay. If I was working a job and someone like you was looking down at me from some perceived place of superiority with sympathies I would be offended. There's nothing wrong with having a job, most people do. It doesn't mean that they are suffering or beneath the people that don't have to work for a living.