Perfect. Let's see how many follow suit. Your case is a good example for others to follow. Let's see how well they can read directions.
Perfect. Let's see how many follow suit. Your case is a good example for others to follow. Let's see how well they can read directions.
I held my breath👃 Bad plan!
Just have fun. Then come back when you have time. It's hard to be #41 or above but it takes community effort to get that far. So those who help others are rewarded. People play from all over the world but the European time zone is most active.
screwed upadjusting to the end of daylight savings time. Always rough. Trying to think whom to tag.
Go figure...
You gotta screw in some direction.
I will just leave this comment where it is!😂
I missed something here. 🤪@mineopoly is doing that fun thing that I can't get my brain around but am trying.
Hey! Look who showed up to the party!!! Nineclaws!💥
Yes, I made it, late. 😂
Sometimes that's the best part of the party! 🎊
We'reall learning as we go along! @nineclaws And @mineopoly is one of those instructors who grades on a generous curve📈
Hahaha, thanks, that's encouraging. 😁