You should get a prize @scholaris for the story of the people of Shina. Looks like graphic novel material.
Thank you for your efforts to continue pob-wotw and challenge all of us to go beyond our limits. I'm so happy to win this prize just in time.
Congratulations to everyone who participated and for those who said hello to the Greedy Yellow Bird !LUV
@scholaris, you've been given LUV from @mineopoly.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (3/5)
I'm not sure how it happened myself. I've read through the King James' bible and the Talmud. I've also read through bits of the Koran. Add life experiences and interpretations to the mix and a story started forming.
Between wrong-doings of the different belief systems a new narrative started to form in my mind. And when I read works from Steven Brust, John Milton, and John A. De Vito last week's post took form itself with the Tower of Babel. It's difficult to justify a faith, when so many texts are excluded from "canon". Christianity and Catholicism are no strangers to proclamation of heretical works.
Now, I'm looking for planets within habitable zones. Immortals are made. They don't just exist. In John A De Vito's, the Devil's Apocrypha, he mentions that the host of heaven came into being as a result of either the philosophies or science. It will be fun exploring those possibilities and to see where the story takes me.
The best reads though? The heretical texts like the ones you find in the Gnostic Gospels at the Nag Hammadi Library.
I went through the Screwtape Letters and that was enough. It's important to take a break and think about what the writer was really trying to say. There is really too much to read and groups of people like to take out of the sacred texts what they want only to suit their purpose.
Discord is not even possible for those who are convinced they are right about things no one knows anything about. Anyway I'm glad you are reading and can see the forest through the trees. Still I can't see much sense in the sentence: "Immortals are made." It just doesn't seen logical to me. As long as there is eternity there is no beginning and no end. That seems like the basic definition of "forever".
The Gospel of Judas almost made my brain explode.
Immortality seems like nothing more than a concept. You can't exist forever. Everything had some beginning.
I really don't know @scholaris.pob whether immortality or eternity exist. All I know is the definition of the words.
Eternity - "infinite or unending time."
Immortality - "the ability to live forever; eternal life."
Actually they are not the same words although my brain categorizes them as one. Immortality cannot mean living a long time. It must mean living "forever" or the word wouldn't have "existed".
How I feel about these word is a moot point. These words do exist in a physical world of time and space. Human beings must have contemplated a time of eternity and the possibility of immortality. Immortals speaking of eternity and immorality in physical time is a paradox. "Immortals are made" is also a paradox. I can deal with it. I've seen it done in several comic books. Wolverine is the best example I know of a man made immortal. I'm not sure if he really is a man at that point though. But that's another story.