nathan dumlao

Hi there, Welcome to my blog! I know that I promised to being active here on hive, but the good news is that I have been doing my best. Today, I have another post that I felt compelled to publish in order to get it off my mind.

I had a friend who lived with me for years until I made the decision to get my own privacy because I was in a serious relationship. I then borrowed money from my office to get a better apartment so that my girlfriend could visit whenever she wanted. She had always complained about my lack of privacy with my friends, and I gave it some thought and realized she was right: if I wanted to get serious with her, I needed to free my shackles.

I received the loan, informed my friends that I was moving out, and they didn't react well. I tried to cheer them up by paying their rent for the next six months, but they weren't pleased, so I took my belongings to my new apartment, which was a roomy bachelor pad.. A few months later, I overheard someone talking negatively about me. I didn't say anything to them, but instead confronted my friend and demanded an explanation. I didn't get one, and I eventually forgot about the situation.

Back in the past, he called and asked for my assistance, which I was happy to provide. He then moved back in with me, despite the fact that I now have my own business and am able to support my family well. I also have a wife and children, and my wife didn't leave him because she is a kind person. However, he did the worst thing this time, which has caused me to never again accept invitations from friends.

Without getting into the specifics of what he did, what I'm trying to say is that gratitude is the key to preventing greed and selfishness from causing you to lose the things you've worked so hard to get.

So one should always be grateful for life, because we never know where we will be tomorrow.

thanks for reading


The power of gratitude is one of the strongest that exists.

The world would be a better place if there were more graces.

Yes,that is true thank you