Cosplays and Escapism at the Comic Expo

I think escapism is something most of us embrace at a young age. Playing make believe, using our imaginations, pretending we are someone or somewhere else all have a fun and curious appeal. Even dreaming of what you want to be when you grow up requires some imagination and escapism from our current states of mind. When I go to Comic Expo, I get to experience this escapism, whether its vicariously through others or just trying to live in a different mindset for a few days. I don't really do cosplays myself, but I would like to get more into it now that I have been behind the lens for so long. I usually try to dress a little differently for the expo; maybe pick a theme that suits the mood and try to catch the vibes of everyone as I encounter their alter egos as I move through the day. What is it that each person sees in themselves when they put on a costume or create a cosplay? Its something that maybe I will have to dig a little deeper for and try out firsthand in the coming years.

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  • Dude, what a great Cosplay they do in your country! I'm in Argentina, and here that kind of events are always spectacular. But I loved yours. I'm 70 years old, and I'm very active in hive, I always like to visit these events that I love. Greetings and glad to see your beautiful photos.