Moonthumb's Mysterious Wheel of Random Prizes Giveaway - Ep. 9 (It goes down fast and it comes up slow)

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

Have you noticed a difference in how fast your voting manna has been going down since the hard fork while at the same time it seems to replenish at a much slower rate? Maybe it's just me, but it appears that if I upvote every day, the amount that my posts give out gradually declines from one day to the next. For instance, when I was finishing up my replies to the comments attached to this post earlier today, I started the day with my voting power around 53%. These were some of the first upvotes I had given today and it had been over 12 hours since I did some yesterday. It just seems to me to be a ever emptying bucket that just doesn't refill as fast as it pours out. [Vent complete]


Now for what you really came for...It's time for someone to WIN A PRIZE!


Before we get started, let's look at a couple of the rules for this giveaway:

Rule #1: Read the entire post to make sure you find all of the rules that apply to this giveaway.

Rule #2: The minimum number of qualified participants for this giveaway is twelve.
BONUS: If we reach 25 qualified participants, I will spin for TWO winners.

For whatever reason, we had more participation in this round. There were a total of 19 qualifiers for this giveaway. Here is the Prize wheel spin video for today.

Now let's take a look at the rest of the rules for this giveaway:

Rule #3:
If your Rising Star and/or Splinterlands username is different from the one you commented with, include them in your comment. Or if you want to give your winnings to someone else, enter their username instead and indicate that you want your prize to go to them. However, there can only be ONE entry for each account [for example, if my username is @moonthumb and I want to give my winnings to @theroad2freedom, I can add that name to my entry, but @theroad2freedom cannot submit another entry with their own name]. Also, in the interest of fairness, please only include one entry per person. I try to give everyone an equal chance to win. If I find out someone is using more than one account, I will ban those accounts from the giveaway. Additionally, only one person can qualify for each account that makes a comment (for example, you can either qualify for yourself or someone else, but you cannot do both. However, you are always free to tag someone else in your comment so that they are aware of the giveaway and can enter for themselves).

Rule #4:
Please be aware that I use these rules to make sure people are reading the post and to help eliminate bots. IF YOU DO NOT ANSWER THIS QUESTION IN YOUR REPLY, YOU WILL NOT QUALIFY FOR THIS GIVEAWAY! So the question is...How many Rising Star epic cards or Splinterlands Gold Foil cards do you own?

Now that we have that out of the way, let's find out who won! Here is the wheel spin video to show the winner.

Congratulations to the winner (you'll have to watch the video to see if it was you)!

Finally, here is the list of all of the past participants (to help you find the post for the next giveaway). As usual, if you do not want to receive these notifications, leave me a comment and I will remove your name from the list.

@alejoca, @bitandi, @chuckrick, @cryptzy, @dirtnowitzki, @double-eagle, @dubble, @eldon1, @finris, @gregory-f, @guurry123, @hhayweaver, @imfarhad, @irisworld, @javiss, @jdike, @jesustiano, @jfang003, @johnsdowie, @julianhorack, @kevinnag58, @kurogan, @legalizabrazil, @lokywolf2295, @m0rt0nmattd, @m3ss, @magooz, @manclar, @manukass, @mcparravicini, @mimismartypants, @minimining, @musdim, @obeliscocoin, @oduncu, @pablodare, @ph1102, @pixiepost, @playbyhive, @polessins, @rarej, @regenerette, @ricestrela, @shogo-takuan, @solymi, @specialfeelings, @supriya.gupta, @theums, @trentonlundy1, @tokutaro22, @tommyl33, @troikivmm, @vocalfilter, @yankosoito, @yeckingo1, @yocazo, @zarwelius, and @zonadigital21

Thank you for taking part in Moonthumb's Mysterious Wheel of Random Prizes Giveaway

You might want to check these out, too:

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i have 0 rising star epics im a free to play guy hoping to win XD

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Welcome to Moonthumb's Mysterious Wheel of Random Prizes Giveaway. I am a "free to play" guy like you. It just takes us a bit longer to accumulate the cards (or DEC to purchase them). Keep it up. You have qualified for the giveaway.

Congrats to @irisworld the lucky guy
I am holding 66 Gold Foil cards in Splinterlnds..

Sounds like you have a nice collection of Gold Foils. You have qualified.

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I have 2 epic cards in risingstar game.

You got your comment in just under the wire. You have qualified for this giveaway.

Same here, but with less than 5 HP I am only uptoving a few post ,meanwhile I share !PIZZA with you.

RS : 11 Epics
Splinterlands: 2 Golds

Count me in.



@moonthumb! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @manclar.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (4/10)

Thanks for the !PIZZA. Just remember, if you would like to participate in the giveaway, you need to qualify by following all of the rules of this post.

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Sure, i forgot to list the cards, now is edited meow!

Great! You have qualified.

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@manclar! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @moonthumb.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (1/10)

Congrats to @irisworld your lucky day today :)
Ah and I do own quite a fe gf cards in Splinterland. 69 different ones
rising star epic: 1



@moonthumb! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @solymi.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (5/10)

Nice! I guess you need to play a bit more Rising Star to catch up. :-D You have qualified.

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Yeah!!! It is a harvest collecting day xD

I have 0 gold foil and currently taking advantage of the rent system to climb from bronze to gold I. wishing, the better rewards in that league will give me my first ever gold foil card

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Welcome to Moonthumb's Mysterious Wheel of Random Prizes Giveaway. I am just starting to dabble in the rental market myself. I have moved up from Bronze I to Silver I. I don't know if I will make it to Gold before the season runs out. You have qualified.

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I own just 55 Gold foil cards in the Splinterlands
Id: @irisworld

Nice. Did you get most of those as rewards or were you able to purchase them? You have qualified.

I think 50/50 :)
I wish to get more gold foil cards, but...that is not easy...

I forgot to say Thank you for the card (but I still didn't get it :) )
I am trying to max my Harvester now, so getting that was surprising :)

Sorry. I have been busy with work for the past couple of days.

I normally get those out right away. I think I was under a time crunch as I was finishing up the last post. I guess I overlooked sending it out. Thanks for keeping me honest. You should have it now.

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No problem :) Thanks a lot for the card and your time :)

Aloha, currently at 9 gfl's myself. Will be looking into this pizza i keep seeing lol

Welcome to Moonthumb's Mysterious Wheel of Random Prizes Giveaway. That's more than I have, but not much. I could catch you soon. You have qualified for this giveaway.

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I'm relatively new to Rising Star but I have 1 Rising Star Epic (Harp). Bought it today. I'd like to enter the contest.

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We all have to start somewhere. Just keep playing and you'll earn more. You have qualified for this giveaway.

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i own 2 GF cards in splinterlands!

0 epics on rising star

im in!

Yes, you are!

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Thanks for your contest, I have 9 epic cards :D! please list me in the draw 😄. And I just play RisingStar

That's more epic cards than I have. You are qualified.

It is true, actually the voting mana is more hard on people, btw, 0 cards XD count me in for the next time, my username is the same as hive :).

Just keep playing. Those cards will come. You have qualified.

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Lol i might end up buying the cards before they actually come.

That's an option, too. Not only will they come faster, but you can pick the ones you want.

Any card that comes is fully welcome and loved, why? Because i love to collect things XD and this kind of game is ... adicctive to people like me.

I think the voting power itself hasn't really changed but I feel like people have been giving out more votes now that we get linear rewards in the first hour.

I have 69 GF Splinterland cards and 9 epic Rising Star cards.

All I can say is that my upvoting patterns have not changed, but my voting power rarely gets above 60% now (even if I don't do much for a couple of days). I am starting to make adjustments to my entries to reduce the number of votes in my curation trails.

Nice collection. You have qualified.

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yo solo tengo una tarjeta epica en RisingStar, en splinterlads no tengo ninguna epica solo una rara , saludos a todos

It took me a while to get any of those cards, but they are a nice surprise when they show up. You are qualified.

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Thanks for this giveaway
Count me in
RS epic: 0
Splinterlands GF: 37 card/43 BCX

Welcome to Moonthumb's Mysterious Wheel of Random Prizes Giveaway. Looks like I have a few more epics than you, but you have way more GFs than I do. You have qualified for the next wheel spin.

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I have noticced the same thing about my mana also
27 epics



@moonthumb! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @trentonlundy1.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (8/10)

It's good to know that other people are seeing the same thing that I am. Nice total on the epics. Did you get all of those from packs? You're qualified.

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I had a couple of thousands of epics in my other account. A lot of theses that I have now were given to me from the community.

A couple thousand?!? WOW!! Do you ever sleep? ;-D

not really lol

I got none at risingstargame but got 4 cold foil at splintelands

Looks like you are off to a nice start. Just keep playing and you'll start to see more of each. You have qualified.

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So RS is 0 but SL is 70 which is a bit of a surprise to me.

WOW! Did you get all of those as rewards? You have qualified.

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Mostly pack openings I believe but some rewards have been gold.

yes I had a bunch of rewards

6 gold foil :)

That's the same number I have. The highest level I have reached so far is Silver III (hoping to make Silver II this season). What about you? You are qualified for the next wheel spin.

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I made it up to gold but I rent some legendary, also more and more people are renting so its getting hard to maintaine

I guess that is good and bad. It increases the opportunity for more people to remain interested in the game (because they can become competitive faster). But, like you said, more of your opponents now have better cards to play with so the battles become more challenging. It remains to be seen how that will all play out in the end. Overall, I think it is good for the game.

I only Splinterland cards and as I am rather new, I only own 4 of them :/ @jdike

You don't have only four. That's more than some people playing the game. You should be more confident in what you have accomplished. You have qualified.

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thx for cheering up and providing me with this positive perspective!!

0 epics in rising star

and gf a few... like 4 or 5, nothing big tho

When you least expect it, they will appear. You have qualified.

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I am playing only rising star game.

Please count me in for the next draw.

Please remember that if you would like to participate in the giveaway, you need to qualify by following all of the rules of this post.

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muchas gracias yo si quiero participar

If you would like to participate, you must read and follow all the rules of this post.

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I have 3 epic cards in Rising Star. I was very happy when I got them opening packs.
Splinterlands is a game I would like to play in the future but I literally have no time to play more games lol

I can relate. I opened a 12 pack yesterday and got my third epic. Strangely enough, all of my epic cards are instruments and two of the three are microphones (which is good because my best Music Lessons have always been singing, so it just keeps improving). You have qualified.

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Hopefully I'm not too late to get in on this round.
I have 0 epic cards in RS and I don't play SL.

Evidently, I'm the one who's late for this giveaway. You made it in time and have qualified.

If you do decide to check out Splinterlands and use my link to join, I'll throw in a little something extra.

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yo solo tengo 2 tarjetas epicas en Risignstar , por que en splinterland no tengo ni una jajaja , quiero participar

Thanks for your contest :)
I own 5 epic cards in rising star and 2 gold in splinterlands

Sounds like a good start. You have qualified for this wheel spin.

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Gz to the winners!
i have 9 epic card on RS i dont play SPL
Greetings an good luck to everyone!



@moonthumb! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @cibersk8.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (10/10)

Nice! You must have been plying for a while to get that many. From my experience, epic cards are pretty hard to come by (at least at my level). You have qualified.

I have a standing offer for anyone who joins Splinterlands or Rising Star using one of my links will receive a little something to help them get started.

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@moonthumb, you've been given LUV from @cibersk8.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/3)

14 Gold

Way to go! Keep it up. You have qualified.

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Buenas, vengo pasando para participar por los sorteos de rising star y dejando mi voto :D

Welcome to Moonthumb's Mysterious Wheel of Random Prizes Giveaway.

If you would like to participate, you must read and follow all the rules of this post.

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I didn't have any epic card in rising star game.

Thank you for completing the entry requirements. You are now qualified for this giveaway.

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Finger crossed.

Hi, I want to participate in this giveaway. My Username is same in Splinterlands and Rising Star. I don't have any epic cards in rising star as well as no gold foil card in splinterlands.

It has been a while since you made this comment. Maybe you have gotten one since then. You have qualified.

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hi new to game username: lacandela !PIZZA I own zero card :(

@lacandela, sorry! You need more $PIZZA to use this command.

The minimum requirement is 20.0 PIZZA liquid, and 0.0 PIZZA staked.

More $PIZZA is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex

Welcome to Moonthumb's Mysterious Wheel of Random Prizes Giveaway. Maybe you will get one soon. You have qualified.

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can my friend join? @kursen

Anyone who reads and follows all the rules of the post can join.

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Hi add me for giveaway.

If you would like to participate, you must read and follow all the rules of this post.

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I have 2 epic cards in risingstar game.
Thanks for correction.

I got my first gold foil yesterday ironically, opened a daily chest (a single chest, didn't have quest potions anymore) and I got Nightmare level 3 gold foil. looks beautiful! $5.60 in value, renting it out straight away! nice easy 9DEC for me hahaha

Congratulations! It's always a great feeling when you see that bright shiny gold border. You have qualified.

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