Sometimes the most valuable thing is not effort, but knowledge!

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Good morning I want to tell you a little about this story that I am going to share with you below.

A Professional who was called to fix a very large and extremely complex team worth 12 million dollars. Sitting in front of the screen, he pressed a few keys, nodded, muttered something to himself, and turned off the set. He proceeded to remove a small screwdriver from his pocket and turned a tiny screw one-and-a-half turns. Then he turned it on again and checked that he was working perfectly.

The company president was delighted and offered to pay the bill on the spot.

  • How much do I owe you? he asked.

"It's a thousand dollars, if he'll do me a favor."

  • One thousand dollars? One thousand dollars for a few moments of work?

A thousand dollars to tighten a simple screw? I know my equipment costs $ 12 million, but a thousand dollars is a crazy amount! I will pay you only if you send me a perfectly detailed invoice that justifies it.

The professional nodded and left.

The next morning, the president received the bill, read it carefully, shook his head, and proceeded to pay it on the spot, without question.

The invoice said:

Services provided:

Tighten a screw ............ US $ 1 dollar

Know which screw to tighten .... US $ 999 dollars

For all those professionals who day by day are faced with the disregard of those who due to their own ignorance do not manage to understand them.


With this we can understand that many times they do not want to value our work how simple and easy it is to fix things, but one thing is knowledge and another thing is to know the root of the problem that is causing the damage, that things do not work and then each who has their achievements and their knowledge to solve any problem that occurs in these matters in which it is concerned to solve
They are situations that many consider very simple but in reality the best thing has already gone through any similar situation and the experience remains to solve other opportunities and it is faster and so simple that it is seen, we cannot judge without knowing how the success was achieved. success of repairing any things or said situation to be resolved
That's why I always say honor or merit to give it to the one who deserves it, no matter how simple it looks.

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In Alberta our skill trade is the most important job market. We have turned universities in trade schools that the unions work with students at to make sure they are entering fields of work that need labor, so you never pick a career that isnt in demand unless youre a slacker who doesnt look for work after school.

Not working or not attending school is seen as a huge negative on your resume in canada.

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I think it is ridiculous for someone to want to price our work according to the time we finished doing it. At these times they don't stop to think about how long we spent studying and struggling to get a job done quickly. There was sweat, often investment, but they only judge how quickly we finish. His answer was perfect. US $ 999 for knowing which screw to tighten. That's it.

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