@scholaris , I got very excited when I saw you're attempting to build an @ecency based platform! The guys from the decency team have been heroic in their constant work and development of the platform over the last few years and they now have a beautiful product that works to perfection!
Until now, I have mainly avoided your platform despite it having the creme de la creme of writers contributing here simply because I don't like to see platforms being hijacked by users who are simply here to ride their power trip and I haven't been following the ensuing drama but having read an number of great articles on here in the last few days, I will be following more closely in future, especially with the news that you are attempting to create a whole new front-end, and slightly stretch away as a more independent community.
I have also been happy to see you in HW as you work on moderation and get a handle of the fine work they do. It's never easy, nor is it perfect but we all need to look out for cheats and fakes who make a mockery of the whole ecosystem.
Good luck and best wishes with everything and I'll be following your progress with great hope and interest!
Thank you for being another Hivie who does so much to create the dream :-)
I appreciate your compliment. Thank you very much. I feel that any drama here would be representative of any new and popular community that forms. The minimal restrictions on content, however, is what drew me in at first.
Moderation is coming along. I guess my aversion to it stems from the fact that I do similar work outside of HIVE to a degree. I've seen the adverse extremes IRL with discovery AND moderation. Definitely take the fun out of things, but with community support and the development of standard operating guides perhaps the tribe as a whole can support versus a select few.
You have to tip your hat to the Ecency group. They made a stellar product and Leprechaun is doing fine work. Have you seen his test platform of POB-Ecency? The link is in his article entitled, "Ecency to POB: Come See the new POB Front End". It's exciting progress.
I definitely see your position on avoiding the platform and respect your decision in doing so. I've made mistakes on other tribes and wasted some effort. Another thing that drew me to the group was that it was new. I couldn't resist the challenges presented in Cal's WOTW contest and now here I am. Know that there are people here that welcome you and look forward to your engagement in POB, as well as, daddy HIVE.