Saludos cordiales mi gente y colegas, agradecida con Dios por hoy estar nuevamente compartiendo con todos por acá, estaba yo en el curso ayer y me vino a la mente un tema que muy pocos tratan, el de lo importante y lo valioso que es el estudio y nos venimos a dar cuenta de eso es cuando queremos hacer algo que nos apasiona ya sea estudiar o emprender, en cualquiera de esas dos areas se necesita haber tenido un buen estudio aunque sea hasta bachillerato, sobretodo para emprender porque se necesita saber algo de contabilidad, de matemáticas y disciplina.
Warm greetings my people and colleagues, grateful to God to be here again today sharing with everyone. I was in the course yesterday and a topic came to mind that very few people discuss, how important and valuable studying is, and we come to realize that when we want to do something we are passionate about, whether it be studying or starting a business. In either of those two areas you need to have had a good education, even if it is only high school, especially to start a business because you need to know something about accounting, mathematics and discipline.