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RE: 75/25 would it work?

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

I see three major issues for discussion in this whole 75/25 or 50/50 matter. First: distribution. Second: curation. Third: investment attraction. (I don't really know what you mean when you say 'automation' can you explain further, pls?)

On these other three issues, we know distribution is really important and so is curation and investors. The current 50/50 does it promote distribution, curation and investors attraction more than we predict 75/25 would? My bet is that it does. 50/50 gives more incentive for investment and so attracts more investors (also gives more incentive for powering up which also passes for investment). 50/50 gives more incentive for curation and finally causes more distribution as a result of this increased curation.

There are a lot of arguments for 75/25 but can 75/25 score so high on this three issues like 50/50 does? Bet not.

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