in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

I know you want to yell at her and ask her why she behaves like that, I know you are feeling lost and frustrated because she never text you first but yet will respond when you do, So today am going to give you 10 reasons why she never text you first.


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1. You Like her and Other guys like Her too.

The fact that she's a girl she gets alot of attention coming in from so many guys and so sometimes its really hard for her to keep track and catch up with everybody and indeed she has many unread messages on her phone simply because she can't seem to keep up with all the attention she constantly get from guys.


2. She's not sure about her feelings

She's not quite sure how she feels about you and the truth is you haven't really won her heart just yet and so texting you is an extra effort that she may not want to put in at all or it might feel lazy to do.


3. Terrible past experience

She may have a terrible experience with past relationships with guys and so shes sort of taking her time to just mole over how she's feeling and whether this feelings are real this time and will result in something that will benefit her


4. She doesn't like to text

Maybe she doesn't just like to text but she likes you. Perhaps she doesn't like texting but she'll rather prefer phone calls, maybe you can “what will you rather prefer ? ” , “ how will you like me to reach out to you?” and that will solve half of your problems

5.She has other priorities

Maybe she has other priorities going on with her at the time , not every woman likes to share what she's going through at any point in time it could do with her job, her family, friends etc And so she might be going through a bit ,other things might be taking her urgent attention and texting you at the moment may not be number one on her list and you must understand that if you're going to have her attention perhaps in the future.

6.She plays inaccessible

There are some women that do not want to be too accessible to the men in their lives because it makes them feel cheap, its like whenever you say jump she jumps, i mean alot of do not want to be at your every back and so they deliberately make themselves inaccessible as in some wired way you end up craving thier presence and thier time.

7. She doesn't because you will

She doesn't text you first because she knows that you will, so if at the beginning of your friendship or relationship you've always been the one to text then naturally she's falling into this cycle where she expects you to text first and she knows that if she doesn't you definitely will and she'll hear from you .

8. She's afraid to Commit

She may be afraid to commit ,not every woman is needy or looking for a man. There are some women out there that just couldn't careless and yet again there's just a whole category of women who just afraid to commit because of what they've been through in the past, They've had some really nasty experiences with the opposite sex and its just like alarm bells going off whenever draws closer to her or tries to get her attention or love

9. She may not like you

Yeah she may not like you.

She's Introverted

You know introverts find it difficult to open up to others so that might be a good reason why because it doesn't come naturally to them to be the one to reach out first. They're having too much fun just being with themselves. If you find someone like that you may want to win them over buy letting them know that they can trust you and then they'll begin to open up and give you the kind of love and attention that you need in return .

Thanks for reading and i hope its helpful