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RE: Celebration of life for a deer I knew

driving south on 69 at about 60 miles an hour,

Sounds daemonic, I counted 3 sixes in that line.

at my nine o’clock came a deer

Another six, albeit inverted. So many daemonic signals early on in this story from hell. Is there anything left to your car after the deer suicided itself on it?

A good deer, that's for damn sure.

Think of the food you could make. Teeth for when you need to make yourself a set of false teeth. A pelt for cold winter nights. Hooves for when you want to practice devil dancing. What more could you ask of a dear deer like her?

p.s. I feel like I’m falling off the mountain in each of those photos except the last two where I found some solid eyeholds.


Me and the devil are so close that sometimes he just manifests in my writing without me even really being aware of it 👺

Somehow, my car is still driveable. Maybe it's fueled by supernatural devil power now.

Next time you feel like you're falling off a photo of a mountain, just turn your computer screen sideways until you find a level eyehold.

without me even really being aware of it 👺

Is that a good thing?

I can't believe your car is still functioning and drivable. Must be the devil power. I bet your car is possessed by a daemon.

Next time you feel like you're falling off a photo of a mountain, just turn your computer screen sideways until you find a level eyehold.

I'd have to flip the entire desk due to my set up. I lack the manpower for that maneouver.

Is that a good thing?


^ the devil made me say that

^ the devil made me say that

That's it! Thee shall be turned into stone before the next dark moon.