I have for some time now had clarity of purpose. I know what I want to do, how and when I plan to do it and how much it will cost me (in time and resources).
My life isn't as complex as I presume life should be and it worries me to a certain degree. While most people I know are trying to figure out their life I am enjoying mine.
You're just 27...you should be out there in the world exploring. You shouldn't be content. You need more; you should want more?
I have found meaning in the little things I do and that has given me closure. Almost everything outside my sphere of influence seems more like a distraction.
I do have dreams and aspirations, but they don't bother me as much. I believe they are within my grasp and everything I am currently doing is moving me towards my goal.
Maybe I shouldn't be this certain about anything? Maybe if I get comfortable the rug might be pulled under my feet? Should I even be afraid of these things?
Why make up problems for myself in order to feel alive? Why can't life be simple and clear? Maybe this closure I have is genuine and I should hold on to it
Earlier today my friend was complaining about his life and I was confused. I could not relate to some of the things he was talking about because he seemed fine to me.
He has food on his table, a shelter over his head, a job and the prospect to earn more, why does he make it seem like he is going through hell?
I know I am not earning as much as I would love. There are many things I can complain about, but on most days I just shake it off. I have enough to even consider other people. That is a luxury.
I think if people are a little grateful they can attract more good things their way. There are a million and one ways my life could go wrong right now but it isn't.
I wake every day with the prospect of changing my life for the better and that is good enough for me. I have been in a situation where I could not help myself and that was one of the darkest times of my life.
Today I have more than I projected for myself, so why should I feel anything but gratitude. I am living the life I want; I do not have to answer to anybody; I can do things for my people and community? What more is there to ask for?
You see this your last paragraph is totally how I feel right now.I am totally grateful for everything.
This is a beautiful post. People should actually learn how to be thankful
Don't let it scare you, I think you've gotten to a stage where you already have your part drawn out, if anything goes wrong it'll be as a result of you deviating from that part and I doubt you will. Let faith take it's course.
For me I wake up filled with thoughts of how to change my life. Being a Nigerian youth isn't easy but it is actually easy if you eventually discover the right part yo follow. I keep for every step I take in the right direction, it might seem slow, but it certainly is life changing
I like your positivity and attitude towards life.
The constant hustle and tussle with no gratitude towards what's achieved is to what end?
Godliness with contentment, is great gain.
Actually honestly speaking I would say you've overcome half of your obstacle by knowing want you want yes I said so because most people doesn't even know what they want or where they are heading to, knowing what you want it's one thing then working towards achieving what you want is another thing now you've known what you want that's the first part which you've already I had success in now working towards achieving that which you want is what you should focus more on, whether scary or not it doesn't matter because no success has been ever achieved without being scary it never an easy task to do so it should look scary but the ability to overcome such scale is actually what you need and with that your success is restassured so I encourage you to ignore the scary look of what you want and concentrate on achieving what you want I bet you you will get success at last
I must tell you, life has been fair to you and it's as a result if sheer luck and dedication, keep it up