I agree and have said so here and there throughout the years as I've continued my search for a home platform.
That is;
POS will always become an Oligarchy and that's exactly what Hive governance is. A few decide what projects get funded and control the forward path of the blockchain.
POS is fine for spreading out the post earnings, but NOT for governance. We need a more equitable governance system to push closer to decentralization or the claim of decentralization needs to be dropped from the marketing of the platform.
And, I fully disagree with @themarkymark. The only reason civilization seems to always flow towards POS is that the economic systems always allow for high stakes to buy power. We need a new economic system, rather than just give up and say, "well, this is just how it is and can't be changed, cuz human nature."
For me a truly free market is void of large corporations/whales that control large parts of the markets. A truly free market is each individual being a business and finding their niche without ever controlling more than their voice worth. Anytime an individual controls enough of any individual market where they have sway over the life of another, the market ceases to be free.
So, a truly free market would not allow for control to ever be consolidated into the hands of a few and we should work towards this end. How could that happen?
Simple, we already the mechanism in place. That's the community standard that most every Hive user adheres to to avoid spam and copyright theft. We have a community ideal that the community enforces and it's time we add a new economics model to that ideal.