Red Wine may help protect your brain, says study....

in Proof of Brain4 years ago (edited)

New research has suggested cheese and red wine could help to prevent cognitive decline as people grow older.

Red wine was highlighted for its links to improved brain function, found the research, published in the November 2020


And the Good News just keeps on coming ...

Drinking Wine Helps Your Brain in an Unexpected Way, According to Yale NeuroscienceWine puts cognitive processing on overload -- which is a good thing.

I have been drinking a lot of red wine lately ....

It all started in 2017, when Yale neuroscientist Gordon Shepherd told NPR that tasting wine engages more of the brain than any other human behavior. Solving a tough math problem, listening to music, and trying to hit a curveball each stimulate the brain less than drinking a glass of wine.
Tasting wine triggers a complex series of interplays as air meets liquid. The tongue, jaw, throat and diaphragm, as well as taste and odor receptors all get involved to send signals to the brain that trigger serious cognitive work. Your brain gets involved in pattern recognition ("Have I tasted something like this before?"), memory, value judgment, emotion, and pleasure.


I’ll drink to that.

Red Red Wine you make me feel so Fine !

Source: Youtube UB40

Time to Celebrate here on POB .... Today is National Beverage Day...

The one day of the year we can all drink a Beverage of our Choice and celebrate our Freedom of that Choice.

Do you choose to Drink Beer 🍺 ?

Wine 🍷 ?

Hard Liquor 🥃 ???

Rum and Coke ? Rye and Ginger ? Tequila ?

What’s your poison ???

Comment below. Let’s see what everyone’s drinking

Lately I have been drinking a lot of my Macallan Scotch Whiskey ...

It’s been very cold and rainy here so there is nothing like a beautiful glass of Whiskey to warm you up.

Research shows small amounts of whiskey — especially aged varieties — increases our activity in the brain's GABA neurotransmitter, responsible for things like nervous system function and memory. One study found that people who consumed one to six drinks weekly had a lower risk of dementia than non-drinkers.Oct. 22, 2020


Cheers. Drink up !


National Beverage day falls on May 6 and we couldn’t be more excited. The day encourages us to sit back, relax, and enjoy our favorite beverages. Beverages come in many forms. And whether you prefer a hold or a cold one, the good news is, there is one for every taste. The only thing that matters is that you pick up or make some of your favorites, gather with family and friends, and get ready to enjoy and unwind.


100 Songs for Beverage Day ....

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My poison is beer😍 but i have a particular brand and its called "Origin"

I dont know if youve heard of it. It has a sweeten and bitter taste at the same time

And it is best enjoyed when served chill

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It sounds delicious.... I need to look it up. And its probably even better for our Brains. This will be my next POB research Post.

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yes .... Beer may boost your Brain Power ....

Another benefit of having silicon on the ingredients list? It helps protect your brain from compounds thought to eventually cause cognitive diseases. Which may be why researchers at Loyola University in Chicago found that moderate beer drinkers are 23 percent less likely to develop Alzheimer’s and dementia than those who don’t drink beer. Another explanation: Beer is shown to raise good cholesterol which improves blood flow to the brain.

And ordering a few pints may give you a boost at trivia night. According to one study, people with a slight beer buzz solved puzzles faster than their sober counterparts. In fact, alcohol made subjects almost 30 percent more likely to find the unexpected solution.


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I'm scotch/bourbon guy for the most part, occasionally a martini or Manhattan instead. I like to have beer with dinner. When I do drink wine, it's usually a dark bitter red, like a merlot, pino noire, or Malbec.

Maybe I should do wine more than whiskey!

This requires more research. I will post all my findings right here in the Proof of Brain Community.

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Is POB a fork? Do I have unclaimed POB based on steemit/hive?

Research shows small amounts of whiskey — especially aged varieties — increases our activity in the brain's GABA neurotransmitter, responsible for things like nervous system function and memory. One study found that people who consumed one to six drinks weekly had a lower risk of dementia than non-drinkers.Oct. 22, 2020


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The news I wanna hear. Lol.