Sex education is an aspect of education that provides people with the appropriates decision or taking right steps towards sex and sexuality. Basically, sex education is taught in order for adolescents to know or have idea on how to go about any changes in their body system, e.g, when a female child begins her menstrual cycle e.t.c..... it's also taught in order to safe guard adolescents on making right decision in respect to sex and sexuality.
Sex education is meant to be taught starting from adolescence phase to adulthood, it also suppose to be taught starting from home or in family as a popular saying which goes:

"charity begins at home"

as the family is the first unit of learning. In many African home, sexual and reproductive topics are rearly discussed (e.g, in my house, we don't talk about this like this) maybe based on a believe/mentally that "THEY ARE YOUNG TO HAVE KNOWLEDGE ON SEX AND SEXUALITY" or maybe based on the believe that"THEY'LL BE CORRUPTED,IF THEY HAVE SUCH KNOWLEDGE AT THEIR TENDER AGES". Having the mindset that, on how they're expected to conduct themselves in their marriage. These mentally/ believe is hazardous to to people especially adolescents, as it has starved many adolescents of the necessary knowledge needed to make good choices on sex and sexuality, giving rise to risking sexual behavior among adolescents.
At times, inadequate info on sex education can be as a result of poor communication between parents and adolescents. Some parents go as far as feeding their children superstitions believes. For example, as soon as they notice their female child starts menstruating, they tell the child "DON'T ALLOW A BOY TOUCH YOU, IF THE TOUCHES YOU, YOU'LL GET PREGNANT". This gives a bad impression towards boys, they (girls) begin to avoid the bodily contact with the boys and once they have bodily contact with a boy and nothing happens, they try other act till they have pre- martial sex instead of the parent to just tell the female child just exactly what they meant.

In order to eradicate the problem facing lack of sex education or misconception of sex education, parent should be educated on the right/manner at which sex education is to be delivered to their children and the changes associated to reforming from educating/ discussing sex education with their children and be encouraged to inculcate in the children right knowledge on sex education in order to make them able to make right decision on sex and sexuality.

Parents should elaborately tell their children what they actually mean. Government can lay down policy that all parents should educate their children on sexual and reproductive health topics, and also to be added to the school curriculums, parent should try bridge up the space between them and the children in the phase of adolescents formal or in formal schooling system.


Sex education play a very vital role in the lives or future of adolescents, young, and adults , so please, let's encourage the proper education of sex education.

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Sex education is very important in every young boy or girl makes them to known the necessary information that concerns their life.parents should be up and doing at all time inorder to direct their children very well and they shld also not be shy in teaching their children what they need to know abt their body.lets all hands be on deck.

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Thanks for your opinion.

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