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RE: The Elephant in the Room, POB's future?

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Leofinance(noleo4u) has over 500 people on the mute list. But does anyone care? no one even says anything.

So what? What you would like to hear?

Out of those 500, probably 495+ are malicious spammers, scammers, plagiators, token leeches. LEO community today is much much better and valuable WITHOUT these bad actors.

"MUTE" is not bad by itself. It is a powerful and needed tool.
What really matters is HOW this tool been used, for what goals (or excuses). Naturally, it should be in hands of community (some consensus) not in hands of one single person, so he can use it at his will, no questions asked.
This task is clear, but (technically) can not be solved easy and overnight.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I absolutely think that it needs to not be a centralized power on muting or even a small group of the "inner circles", I don't care if I'm considered in some or not I am against too much centralization. However some consensus is def needed so we don't have a "repeat", just my two pesos

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This pretty much sums up the whole issue perfectly @onealfa.leo.

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