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RE: POB TALK 20/08/2021 - #83

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Some people are so stubborn. And dumb.
Maybe the worst example is one of my friends, Who I have been encouraging to invest in crypto, at least a bit since Bitcoin was only $50.
After 8 years of refusal, finally in January 2021 he started to do DCA of about $100 every month.
Yesterday, during my phone talk, he said to me:

Thank you. You have been so damn right.

Have you any similar story?

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Got a message from a friend yesterday (he's driving himself crazy daytrading btw, so he is in crypto already):

" ey, download warpath"

The warpath app looks to be some sort of pay2win game much like clash of clans. So instead I asked him if he started playing Splinterlands yet, which I told him about in I think March or April at the latest. After asking a few questions he found out about the 10 dollar spellbook and told me it was dodgy and doesn't want to get onboard..

This is coming from a guy buying each new Xbox and many, many games for each.

Guess I'll double my collection another time before trying again haha

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I use to say the same thing about online poker to people. They always looked at me like I was some sort of sucker that was giving my money away. I know tell them about crypto and get the same looks.... Their loss.....

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I had a story similar and it's also about Bitcoin.
In 2011 when btc was $1.i taught it was a scam and ignore it.
And I have learnt from it that's why I am accumulating pob because both pob and Bitcoin has same total supply,so am hoping that pob can also dominate the crypto world

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of course pob will later grow alot that is why we should hold

I believed on pob shaa, and one day pob wl be the top of all .

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Being stupid as you say him he was just being careful do you know how many people are still scared of mining or trading Bitcoin so it's just the push they need, I was one of such before I met @jerseemit who introduced me to first one , this is the second one and am blazing it. So people could just be in that shade

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which one is the first one

hmm I strongly agreed with your word some people have the information and their never take it serious why some really need the information and their never see it..

That reminds me of a friend I spoke about this hive community but he told me his destiny is not attached to it, it is true that you have information but people never believe that information is so vital and when you don't take it you loss it

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Yes I passed through same issue, mine was bad because I wasn't the one encouraging, I was the one being encouraged but I didn't really listen...

Sometime last two years someone told to me invest heavily in ETHEREUM but I was so scared of losing the little money I have, I invested just 10,000 in Nigeria naira..

After some months, the price of ethereum increased and my money was 17,000 and i immediately withdrew all because I was scared it will go down again... But here I am regretting because one ethereum then was just $300, you can just check the price now...

I have really learnt my lesson, in the game of investment, just how we want to win, we shouldn't be scared of losing too..

I'm in for POB & HIVE

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I understand this mate is never easy but all we should know is that everything in life is all about risk, I believe you would have see have the huge amount that you loss due to fear, everyone can face this as well but it take a great courage to hold strong

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I have a similar story involving property. Back in the 1990s, property prices in the UK had collapsed, and I was trying to persuade a work colleague to invest, because it was so cheap. He refused because he was convinced he'd lose money because he believed prices would drop further. He waited till prices had doubled before he bought his property.

Oh see him after how many years, he waste 8 years before joining January if he has Join and invest since that 8 year he will have known what he will have my now.

Some people do not believe in themselves talk less of believing others.

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the truth is that some people never believe that anytime wasted is like a life waster that is why we should never in anyway joke with opportunities because it might is come again

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Really stubborn friend you have got there. Some people just appear not to catch certain visions and always in disbelief has they refuse to see. Good he finally joined in. He might have missed a lot by delaying for so long but better late than never.

Don't have a story yet has I have not been in the cryptospace for so long but myself have missed some opportunities that could have changed my fortunes. It is all about making smart choices this days by investing in the right project for the long term. Believe cryptocurrency will do a lot more in the future has the masses accept it.

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Your story has a happy ending. I'm still trying to get my wife to be a crypto believer.

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smiles i think you need to do so, before it get late

LoL some woman never have the kind of patient like that their believe once their can't get their money on time them the person want to cheat them put I believe if she can just see the first cash that it is a real money she will believe you a little

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Thanks @abbey877,

For her it is kind of a moral thing

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May be you should bring her on Hive 😊👍. There are many women doing great on hive, I think see would love it and see may try writing about her area of interest. And you guys can do collaboration too, one hell of a force it will be. What's say? 🙄

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there are people that don't yield to advise they only face where they feel is good

I just don't understand the truth is that some people will never believe you,untill the see you doing something great before their believe.. I know at that time if he listen to you it would have been a great testimony to him by now

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in 2016 i said for my friend buy btc, he had enought for 1 entire unity.

in 2017 i had money and bought some, then i sold all in january 2018 and bought steem that time

now i'm in hive, i think i won more than money

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Wow,just getting to come here after been away for some days now and I must be very honest that it is not about the topic or point of discussion that really makes me happy ,but to see @onealfa.pob here too is some of good courage,it is just like inviting a mentor or celebrity to a show or TV program,I must be honest by saying it is good to have you here boss

And as regards this issue I will say that investment too is the key and I want to say most people run away from crypto due to lack of good mentor or inadequate information on how it works too ,cause lot of people don't not believe in the system untill now that is now looking or I should even say that it has become the pillar for some many people

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I never had any mentor. I discovered everything in crypto alone, just by myself

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That makes you a guru ooh, I wish to b like you.

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I think its something we all experienced somehow. For a newbie it's always hard to believe in cryptocurrencies, I investment first time in Bitcoin in 2015 and I never imagined it will reach even beyond 10k$, and I sold my bitcoin for just little profit. Its never to late to enter into cryptocurrencies but just to remember not to invest which we cannot afford to lose. I think POB is the best investment opportunity right now, those who regret buying bitcoin back in 2010 have a chance to invest in POB, who knows where POB will head in 2025. 😊

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the total supply is just 21million which means the tendency of grow high is very much