
in Proof of Brain4 years ago

What is catering ?
Catering is an act of making different kind of delicacies for people
It can be defined as a provision of different kind of food and drinks at an event or occasion .


There are different aspect in which catering is being involved, catering is compulsorily important most especially for ladies ,because it is very essential for a responsible wife in the house of her husband to be very good and active in cooking aspect and it is a very good way of giving special treatment or consideration to someone, or visitors.
These are different types of catering ,we have ;
1 conventional catering
2 local catering
Conventional catering
Food procured for conventional systems vary from those with no processing , to those with a limited amount of processing ,to those processed completely
Local catering
Catering refers to a service that delivers food to a client's location and this are type of food that is been ordered at home.
I decide to talk about catering , because catering is life of a party,I mean any party without food won't be superb ,and catering is all about providing food ,I can equally say some people don't usually come for a party because if the celebrant but because That is why in every occasion you have to choose the best catering services, best catering services that will provide satisfactory food for your guest, people talk more about food they offer in an party than the celebrant , especially Nigerian And also is not only about occasion, looking from household view ,there is this idioms in Yoruba language ,that what bird eat will determine the strength of is fly ,this idioms means we need to take care of what we eat and what we eat will determine our strength ,to keep a man in Nigeria , I mean if a woman want to keep is man he must know how to cook,he must be able to satisfy the man in every aspect especially in terms of is food.

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This catering event is mostly handled by women. Women dominate catering industry. Hope you are not a caterer.

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