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RE: A COSMIC MULTI-PLAYER GAME - My interpretation of the book of Genesis

in Proof of Brain11 months ago

what do you mean by communityless?

all communities, however they are tied together, operate on a specific level of the game, as single entities. As we rise in levels of the game (do you play video games? I don't) The dudes at the top, whom some might call gods, are also single entities (comprised of all the players down to we littles) battling with each other. The new world order fits into my fantasy here, in that it is simply a consolidation/federation of some of the gods who are currently playing in the top levels of the game. Someone is playing them though. Or maybe it's chaos up there, and nature is taking her course. We littles pay the price when the gods fight. Like downvote wars right here on hive.


I was thinking more of something like the community of local people, like the one I grew up in. Gatherings, like for my mum's funeral, which I wouldn't have missed for the world. If you manage to isolate those locals from each other, and it's of permanent nature, I describe it as "communityless". You see where I'm going with this...
Other than that, no, I don't play computer games of any kind. I play cards with my husband and his son and with my brothers when we get together, or other table top games. I sometimes visit the grannies or talk to the aging parents of my childhood friends when I visit home. I think it's important for Christians to gather and pray and sing at the funeral of a loved one because those are the songs and prayers we know (at least as I came to know them). The wake afterwards was always a comforting thing for me too. Things like that.

The union of the powerful is a separate topic, covered by me repeatedly in other places. I don't regard any of them as god or gods. They may have killed everything divine in them, who knows.

It is in those communities that we can break the game. Or so I hope. That's the level I am in the game, and I'm putting all my stake right here with my local friends, family, and neighbors. The few Christians I know well are apocalyptic. I hope I didn't offend you with my views on western religions.

Hey, have you read this. I don't know who wrote it, if it was Azzarello or this Crosby dude, but it captures what I have been talking about. I just this minute came across it. It's long, but a quick skim might give you a better idea of my vision of what is going on here. We are being played, and have been being played for centuries on end. It all escalated during WWII. Some of the upper players saw great opportunity and went for total domination of the game. They formed a federation (Club of Rome, CFR, that type of thing). Everyone is playing their assigned parts, and playing the game at their level. But the whole thing depends on us doing our assigned parts. We don't have to do that. We do, because life is easier if we spend our days doing paperwork, hoping we don't get financially screwed by, chiefly, by the governmental and medical cartels, which are the same thing via public/private partnerships/federations. Oh my goodness I have had enough of this vision I am having! Gotta run and breathe somewhere, maybe hug a tree to come back to the here and now.

Cannot open that website.
But I would answer that I am well aware of such things, maybe more than you'd assume.
So I am attempting to what I consider is sensible to do. My above in the post given interpretation was to find common ground of what I call my culture.

I hope I didn't offend you with my views on western religions.

I am regularly being offended in that sense. The art is, from my point of view, to defend what I find is and was helpful to me.
So I am glad that the two of us did find that ground.

The few Christians I know well are apocalyptic.

Count me among the Christians who is not apocalyptic. There are more of us :)