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in Proof of Brain4 years ago

I have this kind of question too, but not exactly in this matter, but when I think about transcendence and such. If my brain and personality were copied by a machine into an android or another brain, this new me would be really me? Or a copy of me, that perhaps with time would do things that the original would never do? The mind is a complex field and we always can wander about what if...

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True. The answer is nonduality. We're all nothing but one consciousness. Everything else is nothing but imagination. The Matrix. Platos Cave.Nonduality. Yadayada...

I studied Jed McKenna for a while. In the end of the tunnel of enlightenment is the insight, that it's better to pretend everything is real.

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Wow, I didn't know about Jed, I will see his works, thanks for sharing!!

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