Is there ever a right place.

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Finding Love? Is there ever a right place to find love, Many has found love at the cinemas, many on social media, many even at a wedding maybe just as a guest or an ashoebi, as a igbo Lady we used to have this mindset that we must travel every Festive Period (December) to see people that comes from far and wide. It was believed that suitors comes to pick wife during those season.

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I have a friend who has been through a lot in and out of Job at a time but was fortunate enough to reconnect with a friend who is in HR at that time. She got talking to her friend for job which landed her an interview invite.

On the day of interview which she was focused on landing a job to better her life,she didn't notice the tall dark and handsome HR dude who sat to interview her kept staring at her. On her way home she called her friend to narrate how the interview went, two weeks later she received an offer and resumed immediately, she became friends with the tall dark Hr dude and the friendship blossom into a beautiful relationship.
And things where taken to the next level and they said yes to forever.

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I have heard lots of stories of how people found love in unexpected places and unexpected time. Things happen when we least expected it.

I believe many have had such experiences, i will like to hear from you where or the weirdest place you have found love. LOVE IS A BEAUTIFUL THING.

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I am happy for that friend of yours and the HR guy.

Yes, people find love in the most unlikely places and say yes to forever

It was nice reading this. Very interesting.

Well, There is never a guaranteed lne place to find love in life, Anywhere could make you find the love of your life.

I once fell in love with a girl at the market, Ain't that crazy? That was the least of place I thought i'll ever find a girl I would love and adore so much.

Life is indeed a mystery.

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Different people meet at different places and fall in love even places you least expected it, love can happen at anywhere and anytime.
I heard of this case of a lady who fell in love with the person who kidnapped her and fortunately it landed them to an external togetherness, we don't know who, where and when it will happen.
We should be ready to accept love when it happens, no matter where!.Well said @phemia. Love is indeed a beautiful thing, and especially if you have experienced true and genuine love.

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