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RE: Cooking With Firewood - Thursday Evening

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

I also experienced cooking with firewood when i was a kid, i always feel sad when it is time to cook especially after it rains and the woods are already soaked with water.

Trying to make fire becomes so difficult unless you use materials like Kerosene, in as much as there was something called gas but our mothers still prefer to cook with firewood because there is a saying that says food cooked with firewood taste better.

In as much as it has its advantages it also has its disadvantages, having such as experience as a child will help one adapt to any environment they find themselves in.

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also experienced cooking with firewood when i was a kid

If you go camping you can try cooking with fire wood with your family and friends, The activity will be much more fun with playing guitar and coffee. It remind you to your memory when you were a kid.

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