I am well aware that he did not want to cause suffering for his parents, but ironically ended up achieving the opposite extreme, given that his mother found him hanged. They had to take him to the hospital in despair, and now day after day they are apprehensive awaiting some news, good or bad. If he survives, it looks like he'll live with major sequelae, given the amount of damage he's done to his brain from lack of oxygen, and he'll have to be cared for by his parents for the rest of his life, self-conscious perhaps and tied to a much longer journey. tortuous than it had been until then. If he dies, he will give just as great pain, because in fact, despite all his parents' struggle for his life, he is gone.
So many a time we just take some decisions not knowing or even checking how it affects others. At a point everyone just desires peace but ending it all does it solved the situation?
I remember telling him well: -Before you decide to kill yourself, what do you think about trying just one more thing? Try this (or that) and if it doesn't work, if it doesn't help, you're free to do whatever you want. And he tried. He tried a psychiatrist (but without enough effort, with no results in the medicine he was using), he tried a psychologist, he tried Ayahuasca, he tried God, he tried dating, he tried everything. But nothing at a level of commitment enough, he always seemed to be dissatisfied or at least discontented with real life and its costs and consequences.
We all are fighting one battle or the order but dear before you think of ending it, try something else try again and again, who knows when it will turn to your favour.
Hang in there, help will surely come.
Please and if you are not going to be kind with your word, keep it to yourself.