"Fragments of Bloom" (a short poem)

in Proof of Brain4 years ago


If by some stroke of good luck I could be given sufficient time I needed
Would the time actually be awesome?
What are my most profound longings and dreams?
Consider the possibility that wants are intended to be in the present.

Is staying faithful to one's obligations be the standard?
Would fewer couples actually be isolated?
Will regard and graciousness be consistently normal?
I needed to be an individual of fortitude, How was this conceivable?

Existence is everything
Envision an ideal spot at the ideal time
You will meet somebody in a recreation center in a day
Not mindful of the circumstance and precise spot
Yet, you have met perfectly

Each day you awaken new and enlightened
Previously or after dawns you should eat
Wash up, go to work and see
Timing keeps you alive and deliberate
Timing is so unpredictable however loaded

In the event that the sinking trust goes down
The sun will without a doubt rest
Roses would resemble covering it alive
Those fantasies would obviously rest

Those miserable dreams
A sound of other's murmurs would vanish
Chilliness would look through you alive
Crying would appear to be only ordinary to you now

Love each and every day that cruises by
A long time where you begin to put stock in something
Months that may show progress
Weeks may change single things however merit the stand by
Long stretches of thinking back the minutes that are significant.

Have a great day!

Posted via proofofbrain.io


What a wonderfully written poem. I am intrigued by your use of words and the arrangements in the entire piece of art. Keep it up

Posted via proofofbrain.io