Are you already an avid biohacker or fitness enthusiast and know it’s time to discover next-level hacks and find like-minded people?
Yeah, been looking into Nootropics on this topic. I have heard there are some great coffee additives that will help regulate the serotonin and other important brain fluids for the majority of the day or with less than 3 doses per day.
I am taking some brain fluids for 2 months now. Klamath algae and extract, something with zinc and alfa -albumin, etc... I am trying these products to see how it goes. But, nevertheless, extra-virgin olive oil and salmon oil with E vitamin will help the brain, both adding the necessary Omega 3 and 6. Even more simply, I want to try the B12 vitamin, injectable soon. just have to find someone to do it. It's for demyelination.
Those guys in the link offer annually and, sometimes, bi-annually summits which are interesting, very interesting I would say. This year I don't think they will be offering it for free. It has to be on their website. I missed the speaker registration 2 years ago, but I do keep in contact with one of them. If you want me to ask them something, let me know, @phusionphil.In the field of Biohacking.